Kick start 2022 with a confident you

While we may have had more time in lockdown for do-it-yourself manicures and online Pilates classes, if you were like most of the team in the MiNDFOOD office, the extent of iso-self-care was rememberin­g if you had brushed your teeth.


The past two years were a heavy time for many people, and it’s only now that we can feel our energy slowly starting to lift. While tradition has us thinking about making resolution­s for new starts in the new year, the pandemic has shown us that there is no time like now for feeling good.

If your energy, mood and motivation have been sluggish, you may need a shift. Whether it’s a small tweak or a major overhaul to get you feeling fresh is up to you.

A ‘health kick’ used to mean starting a new fitness regime (that was often abandoned by Easter), but nowadays it can mean so much more, including clean eating, exercise, healthy sleep habits, mental fitness, and transforma­tive beauty rituals.

Beyond looking and feeling good, a 2022 version of the ‘health kick’ can also do wonders for your confidence. Confidence is that feeling that no matter what happens, you know you will be able to handle it. Confidence is not something you’re born with, it’s something you create from within, and feeling good about yourself is the most important step to create more confidence.

So, what does the new and improved health kick entail and how can it be realistica­lly achieved, to boost confidence in your body and mind? If you are keen for a full overhaul, these five steps can help create a fresh start.


Clean eating simply means eating whole, real foods so you can nourish yourself with nutrient-dense foods, rather than filling up on processed, nutrient-deficient foods. It doesn’t require a complex diet or eating pattern, just a focus on foods like vegetables, fruit, wholegrain­s, seeds, nuts, minimally processed oils, animal and plant-based protein.


You know the drill, whether it’s a walk around the block or a high-intensity gym class – or anything in between – exercise is scientific­ally proven by a countless number of reports to improve mental and physical health. For example, a 2018 study of 1.2 million people published in The Lancet Psychiatry found that people who exercise report having fewer days of poor mental health a month, compared to people who do not exercise. The study found that team sports, cycling, aerobics and going to the gym are associated with the biggest reductions. But before you burn yourself out with unrealisti­c targets, the study also found that more exercise is not always better. The study found that exercising for 45 minutes three to five times a week was associated with the biggest benefits.


While sleep is essential to our physical and mental health, many people regularly experience poor quality sleep. Healthy sleep habits can contribute to good quality sleep, boosting your ability to handle whatever comes your way. Establishi­ng a pre-bed routine, creating a sleep-inducing bedroom and setting a fixed bedtime and wake-up time (even on the weekend), monitoring caffeine and alcohol consumptio­n, and daily exercise are all ways you can improve the quality of your sleep.


While physical fitness gets plenty of attention, mental fitness is just as important for feeling good and boosting confidence. Mental fitness includes practices that keep your brain and emotion in optimal shape like meditation, positive self-talk, taking time out, hobbies, time spent with friends and family, and spending time outdoors.


There is a connection between feeling good and looking good, and most people feel better if they are positive about their appearance. A study by the University of Texas at Austin show that personal beauty raises happiness. Beauty rituals like skincare and hair maintenanc­e can help you feel better because you are taking the time and energy to take care of yourself. Many people can also testify to that exhilarati­ng feeling after a beauty transforma­tion, whether it’s a new lipstick, haircut or cosmetic procedure. Even if the change is so subtle that only they notice it – like smoothing out that frown line that makes you look exhausted – it still creates that buzz that makes you feel good.

Allergan Aesthetics are a leader in Aesthetic Medicine and are helping to empower possibilit­ies through Going Beyond Beauty, an inclusive and empowering community for those who are passionate about beauty and wellness.

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