
Throughout history, Egypt’s cultural wonders have attracted travellers, archaeolog­ists and treasure hunters, from the famous sites of ancient Thebes and Aswan to the mighty architectu­ral feats of Cairo. Exodus’ Egypt tours are shaped by the country’s glorious past. The trip begins in Cairo at the Pyramids and enigmatic Sphinx before visiting Al-Azhar Mosque, Cairo’s oldest mosque and university, still in use today. From Cairo, the tour travels to Luxor, visiting Luxor Temple and the huge Karnak Temple Complex. The group then boards one of Exodus’ cruise boats for a trip to the Valley of the Kings, which contains the once-hidden tombs of over 62 Pharaohs, including Tutankhame­n, Seti I and Ramses II. Travelling upstream, you can watch the locals go about their normal daily lives as well as visit the breathtaki­ng Edfu and Kom Ombo temples. With lush green banks and stunning sunsets, a Nile cruise is an unforgetta­ble experience. Then sail onto Aswan where plenty of optional activities await – a visit to Abu Simbel, the Nubian Museum, Philae Temple or perhaps afternoon tea or cocktails at The Old Cataract Hotel where Agatha Christie wrote Death on the Nile, to name a few. The adventure finishes with a final cruise along the Nile – this time in a felucca, a traditiona­l Egyptian sailing boat where you’ll savour the tranquilli­ty of the Nile and the beauty of the surroundin­g landscape. This year marks the centenary of Howard Carter’s discovery of Tutankhame­n’s tomb and the long-awaited opening of the Grand Egyptian Museum in November. If you are yet to experience this ‘must visit’ destinatio­n, 2022 is an ideal time to go. To experience a Nile cruise for yourself, Exodus have a 9-day Nile Cruise, departing weekly from September 2022 to early June 2023. exodustrav­els.com

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