With its spectacula­r landscape and tempting local produce, Swan Hill has the perfect mix of relaxed rural charm and fun activities to captivate everyone.


With more sunny days per year than the Gold Coast, and a temperatur­e that averages 23 degrees, the Swan Hill Region is a natural choice for lovers of sunshine, good food and wine, history, culture and adventure – no matter the season. The region runs alongside the majestic Murray River for almost 200 kilometres, with its vast region featuring changing landscapes and friendly townships like Lake Boga, Nyah/Nyah West, Woorinen, and the regional centre of Robinvale. With the Murray River as a constant source of food and water, Aboriginal people are believed to have lived in the Swan Hill region for the last 9,000 to 13,000 years, with the original custodians being the Wamba Wamba and Wadi Wadi nations.

Home to picturesqu­e rural townships since the 1800s, Swan Hill is an ideal spot for a fishing and camping holiday, with plenty of unique water and land activities on offer. The state-of-the-art Heartbeat of the Murray show uses water, light, laser, sound and special effects to tell the story of the Murray, transporti­ng you back 30 million years, before travelling forward through time to the Murray River as we know it today.

For a leisurely cruise up the river, a trip onboard the PYAP Paddle Steamer gives you an opportunit­y to take in the region from the river and hear stories of the past while you enjoy a drink or ice-cream.

History enthusiast­s will love the Lake Boga Flying Boat Museum, situated between Swan Hill and Kerang. Lake Boga was an integral part of Allied defence during World War II, with a facility that helped to keep Australia safe – the No.1 Flying Boat Repair and Service Depot. Following the Japanese attacks on Broome in 1942, the establishm­ent of a safe haven for flying boats and amphibians was deemed “essential to the defence of Australia.” The museum holds more than 500 artefacts relating to Lake Boga’s proud history associated with WWII, including the historic Catalina Flying Boat.

For those with an interest in Australian colonial life, the riverfront Pioneer Settlement is fascinatin­g. Set on three hectares in Swan Hill, you can wander at leisure through the pioneer cottages from the 1850s, and witness a bygone world experienci­ng real Australian history. Compliment­ary vintage car or horse and carriage rides are an ideal way to see the sights, passing Riversdale and Keats Cottages and the Lower Murray Inn with its welcoming atmosphere to Towaninnie Homestead; a typical 1880s homestead with Mallee root fences, mud-brick kitchen and half cellar. With arms full of oldfashion­ed lollies from the General Store, and wanted posters from The Echo Print Shop, watch the blacksmith hard at work, wander the Golden Harvest Trail, marvel at the array of machinery in the industrial area or enjoy devonshire tea at The Paragon Café.

And for those keen to add a bit of exercise into their break, the Murray Downs Golf and Country Club – located on one of the most scenic segments of the Murray River – is unparallel­ed in facilities, quality of the course and service.

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