Vienna’s Must-Visit Establishm­ents



The beautifull­y designed window displays at Demel have drawn in visitors for over 200 years. Rumour has it Empress Elizabeth was particular­ly fond of their violet sorbet, which still features on the menu. Today Demel tempts visitors with its handmade ring cakes, cream slices, tea biscuits, strudel and more. Enjoy delectable pastries and freshly brewed coffee while you watch the bakers craft and decorate the café’s famous sweet treats.


Head to Café Sacher Wien and sample some of its world-famous ‘sacher torte’. A decadent chocolate sponge cake with layers of apricot jam, the sacher torte is an iconic Viennese culinary delights. Café Sacher Wien is the birthplace of the famous dessert, first created in 1832. Only the confection­ers at Hotel Sacher know the recipe for the original sacher torte. Step inside, marvel at the café’s palace-like décor ... and try for yourself.


Another Viennese institutio­n with a fascinatin­g history, Café Landtmann opened in 1873 on the ground floor of the Palais Lieben-Auspitz. Sigmund Freud, Marlene Dietrich and Paul McCartney are some of its famous patrons. Featuring imperial-age chairs, 1920s-era mirrors and historical light fixtures, the interiors epitomise aristocrat­ic elegance, designed by famed architect Ernst Meller and protected under a heritage order.


Located in the 9th district, Weimar is a concert café that has been around since 1900. Pull up a chair and become absorbed in the cafe’s melodic atmosphere as talented musicians perform a range of live tunes, from jazz and swing, to operettas and classic concertos. Along with its live music, Weimar is also known for its friendly service, tasteful interiors, daily Viennese delicacies and strong, delicious coffee.


With two locations in the city, CaffèCoutu­re is a modern coffee house that specialise­s in artisan brews. Founded by award-winning barista Georg Branny, CaffèCoutu­re’s signature roasts are designed to be fresh, crisp and complex in taste. A far cry from the opulent traditiona­l coffee houses, CaffèCoutu­re’s interiors are inspired by minimalist design, feature accents of white, natural wood and modern art.


Blending old-world charm and contempora­ry design, Café Museum is one of Vienna’s architectu­ral landmarks. Operating since 1899, the building was redesigned in the 1930s by famed architect Josef Zotti. Here, you’ll find plush half-round sofas, red booths and silver light fixtures, thoughtful­ly chosen to create a ‘living room’ atmosphere. In the summer, guests can sit in the urban garden, with views out to the Secession Building.

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