
I’ve been a loyal reader of MiNDFOOD since the beginning but felt compelled to write in for the very first time with particular­ly glowing feedback on the March 2022 issue. For starters, it had the stunningly beautiful Gal Gadot on the magazine cover, plus a fantastic feature article on her, too!

The ‘My Dream Man is a Woman’ article reminded me of when a psychologi­st acquaintan­ce told me how some of her clients had been surprised to find themselves falling in love with a person of the same sex as they had always been heterosexu­al. It was interestin­g to read of someone’s actual experience of this.

I have rediscover­ed my joy of snacking on goji berries. Thanks to your story, I have swapped my unhealthy addiction to potato chips whilst watching my nightly TV!

‘When Your Flame Dies’ was also relevant to me, as I have been WFH for the past four months. I have never worked from home for so long before, and whilst it has its benefits, the long-term dangers are burnout and isolation. I have resigned from my current job and am looking forward to starting one with fewer hours. In the meantime, I have blocked out my calendar from 4pm daily, to avoid meetings being booked with me and to remind myself to switch off the PC at a decent time, to maintain a healthier work/life balance.

And finally, the article on cherry blossom season in Japan has inspired me to plan an overseas trip, for a first-hand experience of this.

Thank you to everyone at MiNDFOOD who contribute­d to this outstandin­g issue!


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