

Guests can marvel at the continent and its many glaciers for hours. Shades of blue and grey in the vast whiteness create delicate patterns in the snow and ice. Expedition staff who guide guests ashore will bring to life the story of ice and its impact on the continent.


Whether courting a potential partner in the early season, stealing rocks from their neighbours any time in summer or even leaving their chicks in late summer so they learn how to hunt, there is endless entertainm­ent to be had from these small, charming creatures.


Seals resting on ice floes or sometimes ashore, as well as whales cavorting in the water, are magical to encounter. Humpback whales spend most of the southern summer feeding on abundant krill found in waters around Antarctica. These giants are not afraid of ships and can often be sighted at close distances. Seals have no natural land predators here and sleep unperturbe­d by human presence.


Although the history of humans on this continent is brief, activities continue. Some stations belonging to countries from all over the globe are manned year-round, some just in summer, and some not at all. Seeing them can provide an interestin­g perspectiv­e into the world of science and/or politics. Life for station workers can often be harsh and lonely. Very few historic remains can be seen apart from some evidence of the whaling era, where wooden boats took water out to the floating factory ships, or tanks or chains for mooring ships still stand on the shoreside. What remains gives visitors a glimpse into the most harsh and difficult period of the history of man on this continent.


On days at sea heading south towards Antarctica, or north at the end of a voyage, seabirds including majestic albatrosse­s are a wonder to marvel at from the deck of the ship. Rarely flapping their huge wings, they soar and glide over the waves to the delight of watching spectators.


To admire icebergs and glacier fronts, a Zodiac cruise often provides the best vantage. The various shades of blue colour entrapped in the ice can be mesmerisin­g and the shapes the ice forms are captivatin­g.


Whether a strenuous hike up onto a glacier viewpoint or a short walk along an isolated beach to enjoy penguins, expedition staff are there to inform and educate guests. Biologists, geologists, glaciologi­sts and historians bring to life this remarkable continent both on shore and onboard the ship through more formal lectures.

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