
Wellington-born Thomasin McKenzie, Hathaway’s co-star in Eileen, is winning much admiration for her knack for taking on accents, even surprising Hathaway, who acknowledg­ed how shocked she was to hear how she naturally speaks. McKenzie is familiar with this kind of reaction from her acting colleague.

She chuckles. “I love working with accents and I love my accent. I’m a very, very proud New Zealander.” For the role of Eileen she had to adopt a Bostonian accent. “Obviously, it helps me get into character whether it be Boston, Cornish, American or RP (Queen’s English). It’s a fun challenge and it helps me move past feeling selfconsci­ous and to focus more on the character.”

McKenzie finds it easier to remain in an adopted accent for an entire shoot, even when she’s not in front of the camera. “It helps to become invested in the world I’m living in.” She adds, “So, it’s really fun at the end of a job when I finally break out my Kiwi accent and people are like, ‘What is that?’”

With her fine acting work, most recently seen in Last Night in Soho, The Justice of Bunny King, Jojo Rabbit, and The King, combined with her prodigious ability to taking on accents, it’s no surprise McKenzie is being hailed as a huge talent. Daughter to acclaimed actress and veteran acting coach Dame Miranda Harcourt and director Stuart McKenzie, granddaugh­ter of actress Dame Kate Harcourt and sister to actress Davida McKenzie, acting is certainly in Thomasin’s blood. She has received glowing reviews for her lead role as Eileen and no doubt we will see her star shine bright in years to come.

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