
A few months after this story was published, Reid achieved her goal of going to the 2012 London Paralympic­s. After getting off to a great start finishing 4th in the time trial, she went on to complete an impressive ride on the 50-kilometre road circuit, finishing in 8th place, despite facing mechanical issues. “I am proud that despite being unable to change gears … I completed without being lapped which would have eliminated me from the race.” She says the experience at the games is one that will stay with her forever. “Such an array of people from all corners of the world oblivious to their various disabiliti­es but completely focused on performing on a world stage to achieve the best results in their chosen sport.”

After London, she took a year off racing then competed at the World Championsh­ips in South Carolina, finishing 4th in both of her events. After a break from work and cycling due to illness, Reid and her family moved to Papamoa to live by the beach, where she is still working as a veterinari­an. “I still love being surrounded by animals. The group of vets and vet nurses I work with are the ultimate work family. Their empathy, compassion and care continue to amaze me despite 38 years in the job.”

She is still biking but has swapped her racing bike for an off-road e-bike which has opened up a whole new world for her. “During Labour Weekend 2022 I was part of a group of adaptive mountain bike riders who completed The Timber Trail. This is one of the Great Cycle Rides of New Zealand which a lot of work is currently going into to make them accessible,” she says. “It was a very moving experience being able to go back into the bush and experience off-road New Zealand which has always been my happy place.”

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