
Taking architectu­ral cues from the company’s much-lauded Boréal class, PONANT’s clever designers packed those features into a more compact superstruc­ture while retaining benefits enjoyed by the ever-growing list of the cruise line’s repeat passengers.

Le Jacques-Cartier is the newest in the six-vessel class, bringing the fleet to 13 vessels in total and ensuring that no nook or cranny of our knowable world goes unexplored.

While the older vessels, like the Russian oceanograp­hic ships, can be credited with paving the way for modern polar tourism, they did not pave the way with their environmen­tal credential­s. The post-pandemic world has a new appreciati­on for green and responsibl­e travel and the Explorer class is in the box seat to deliver.

Le Jacques-Cartier is totally zero emission for wastewater of any kind and the fleet-wide use of Low Sulfur Marine Gas Oil means that harmful exhaust emissions are reduced by as much as 90 per cent. Other features include anchor-free positionin­g, thereby sparing potentiall­y sensitive marine ecosystems.

Guests’ comforts include formal and informal dining in either of two restaurant­s, and a generous ‘Open Bar’ alcohol allowance is included in most fares. Of course, there is plenty of spa pampering (at extra cost), a gym and lots of open-deck space in which to relax with a cocktail.

One innovation on the Explorer class is the Blue Eye underwater multi-sensory lounge designed to transport guests into a surreal world. This feature is best appreciate­d in the crystal-clear tropical waters rather than the Kimberley, but neverthele­ss, the superb digital audiovisua­l projection­s, vibrating ‘Body Listening Sofas’ and otherworld­ly atmosphere can still be appreciate­d even if the view from the underwater windows cannot.

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