Prevention (Australia)

5 exercise myths busted!


Common fitness falacies revealed so you can focus on the important stuff

The science behind “feel the burn” and other fitness fallacies

revealed so you can focus on the important stuff.

Would it shock you to learn that you really can go swimming right after eating a sandwich – without cramping and drowning? If so, you’ve been had by hearsay, a common belief with no science behind it. We’ve discovered five more rules about exercise that, on closer inspection, actually have no merit. MYTH #1 NO PAIN, NO GAIN MYTHBUSTER: Exercise shouldn’t hurt. Period.

If a trainer uses that cliche to motivate you, find someone else for your fitness advice. Pain is your cue to stop, says chiropract­or Joshua Kollmann. “The body is equipped with a sophistica­ted nervous system that alerts us to potential damage,” he says.

Muscle soreness is different from pain, and is to be expected after a good workout. It’s part of the muscle-strengthen­ing process, in which you stress your muscles just enough to cause micro tears that your body quickly repairs. This soreness normally happens 24 to 48 hours after exercise. Reduce it with ice, elevation or compressio­n.


MYTHBUSTER: Doing sit-ups to burn belly fat seems logical but is physiologi­cally impossible. That’s because exercising a particular part of your body burns kilojoules all over, not just in the area you’re targeting. In a Chilean study, participan­ts performed one set of approximat­ely 1,000 leg presses three times a week using only their nondominan­t leg. The assumption might be that the exercised leg would become leaner than the other. On the contrary: although researcher­s measured an average reduction of 5 per cent in overall fat mass among the participan­ts, almost none of that fat loss came from the exercised leg.



MYTHBUSTER: Quality matters more than quantity. Research shows that a short bout of vigorous exercise can deliver the same benefits as a much longer workout at a moderate pace. In a recent PLOS ONE study, adults who bicycled at high intensity for 10 minutes three times a week for 12 weeks had the same uptick in fitness and cardiovasc­ular health as those who did 50 minutes of moderately paced cycling. To hit that supereffic­ient zone, exercise at about 80 per cent of your maximum heart rate, says fitness expert and trainer Kira Stokes. (Determine your maximum rate by subtractin­g your age from 220.) MYTH #4 DOING LONG, SLOW STRETCHES BEFORE EXERCISE

CAN HELP PREVENT INJURY MYTHBUSTER: This type of warm-up – known as static stretching – may actually make workouts less effective, according to research in the Scandinavi­an Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports. “Stretching before exercise is important, but it has to be the right kind of stretching – dynamic stretching,” Kollmann says.

A dynamic stretch involves movement, so you warm up the muscle while you’re stretching it – by doing, for example, a lunge with a torso rotation. The key is mimicking a movement that will be part of your normal workout but doing it at a lower intensity, says Sarah Kusch, a personal trainer. MYTH #5 STRENGTH TRAINING IS BETTER THAN CARDIO IF YOU’RE TRYING TO LOSE WEIGHT MYTHBUSTER: Cardiovasc­ular exercise burns more kilojoules per minute than strength training does, so it’s the clear choice when the goal is fat burning and weight loss. In 2012,

Duke University researcher­s conducted a study comparing the two types of exercise. They placed 119 overweight people into one of three groups: cardio, strength training or cardio combined with strength training. After eight months, those who did cardio reduced their waist circumfere­nce and lost weight (and an average of 1.5 kilos of that was fat). The strength-training group added muscle but lost no fat. The group that did both lost fat, weight and centimetre­s, but their workouts were longer than the other groups’.

“Resistance training is great for improving strength and increasing lean body mass,” says study co-author Dr Cris Slentz. “But if you’re overweight and want to lose belly fat, cardio exercise is the better choice, most likely because it burns more calories.”

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