Prevention (Australia)




THE SALT SHAKER: Water is attracted to salt – so eating a lot of it can lead to unwanted water retention (not to mention, it’s bad for your heart health, too). Cut back by avoiding adding salt during cooking and at the table. It also pays to check the label of packaged products, which are notoriousl­y high in sodium (as well as making food taste good it’s a natural preservati­ve). As a guide, look for less than 120mg sodium per 100g. If you find your food lacks flavour without a shake of salt, boost the taste with fresh herbs and spices; parsley, coriander, chilli, ginger or lemon all give meals a flavour kick. REFINED CARBS: All carbs are not created equal, so there’s no need to eliminate healthy foods like rolled oats and wholegrain bread. (Besides they help keep your brain alert and energy up). What’s more crucial is minimising intake of refined carbs – the ones from foods like biscuits and cakes. That will help you feel less bloated and sluggish. As carbohydra­tes are stored in your body with water, eating the healthy kind in sensible quantities can help to eliminate some water weight: a half cup of oats or muesli rather than a full bowl at breakfast, or one cup of cooked wholemeal pasta rather than a plateful. ALCOHOL: Alcohol is often described as ‘empty kilojoules’ – it provides a lot of energy, but little nutritiona­l value. You might be surprised to learn that alcohol actually has almost as many kilojoules per gram as fat. So, by cutting down, you’re doing your waistline (and your overall health) a world of good.

CHEWING GUM: When you chew gum, you swallow air, which causes pressure, bloating and belly expansion. Opt for a sprig of fresh mint. FRIED FOODS: Fatty foods, especially the fried variety (which we all love), cause you to feel heavy and bloated.

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