Prevention (Australia)

What happens when you leave your make-up on all night?

As skincare no-nos go, sleeping with your ‘face’ on is right up there. Here’s what happens when you forget to wash it off before bed.



If a carefully curated beauty arsenal is your pride and joy, sleeping in make-up could be rendering it redundant. “During the day, your skin is under constant attack from oxidative stress, with free radicals causing collagen breakdown,” says dermatolog­ist Dr Anne Wetter. “This continues if make-up is left on, leading to loss of elasticity, wrinkles and, ultimately, premature ageing.”

So, to keep your face looking fresh and youthful, give your skin the night off.


If a bottomless brunch turned all-day bubbly binge is to blame for your made-up slumber, it won’t just be your mouth that’s dry come morning. “When make-up is left on at night, it penetrates the sub-layers of the dermis,” Dr Wetter says.

And pores clogged with make-up prevent your skin from rehydratin­g and protecting itself from oxidative stress. Combat this with a double cleanse the next day. “Start with an oil-based cleanser to emulsify make-up, dirt and oils, and then use a regular cleanser to get rid of any residue,” she adds.


Woken up with some new blackhead friends on your face? “Sebum is your natural lubricant, moisturisi­ng the skin and removing irritants, such as dead skin cells,” Dr Wetter explains. “But leftover cosmetics block sebum release, so dead skin builds up in the enlarged pores, which can lead to acne.” Think prevention rather than cure and follow your usual cleansing routine with a product containing retinoids, which help to unclog pores..


Unless you want to be that person who wears sunglasses indoors, always wipe your peepers clean before bed. “If you regularly leave mascara and eyeliner on at night, the small hair follicles and sebaceous glands can become clogged, causing infection and inflammati­on,” Dr Wetter warns. Finally found a mascara that gives you longer lashes than Naomi Campbell’s legs? Don’t undo its good work by failing to remove it. “Sleeping in mascara dries out the lashes, making them brittle and easily breakable,” she says.

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