Beautiful Smoothie Bowls

80 Delicious and Colorful Superfood Recipes to Nourish and Satisfy


Imagine curling up on the couch with your favorite bowl piled high with a delicious frozen treat topped with fresh fruit and nuts—and what’s in that bowl is actually good for you! Smoothie bowls make this dream a reality.

Carissa Bonham, the writer behind the popular blog, Creative Green Living, pulls together eighty delectable recipes for smoothies so good that your kids, friends, and veggie-hating spouse will be begging for more.

If you can operate a blender, then you can make a smoothie bowl. Carissa walks you through everything you need to know to produce Instagram-worthy creations in your own kitchen. Every recipe tastes as good as it looks and fills you up, making smoothie bowls the perfect choice for any meal or midday snack.

Focusing on a variety of colorful superfoods, Carissa also discusses the nutritional benefits of these beautiful ingredients. Organized using the colors of the rainbow, flipping through these pages will leave you feel inspired and motivated to create these beautiful, healthy bowls.


“What a refreshing look at smoothies! Healthy smoothies are essentially nutrient-dense foods through a straw, and yet one of the joys of eating is seeing the ingredients of our food and chewing them. Bravo to Carissa Bonham for giving us both in her rainbow-colored goodness-packed recipes. These beautiful bowls are part-smoothie goodness, part sprinkles of fruit, nuts, seeds, and other wholesome delights. You cannot help but fall in love with them. A beautifully done book which leaves you feeling satiated and guilt-free!” —Farnoosh Brock, author of The Healthy Smoothie Bible and The Healthy Juicer’s Bible

“Carissa is Queen of Smoothie bowls. I love her recipes and recommend this book for anyone who wants to start or maintain a healthy lifestyle.” —Leah Segedie, founder of Mamavation and ShiftCon

“One of the issues I have with eating healthy is that I get bored. Bored with the same old, same old all the time. After going through the smoothie bowl recipes in this book, I am inspired! I am excited to try SO MANY of these gorgeous recipes and thanks to this book I don't think I'll ever be bored with 'healthy sweets' again!" —Amanda Formaro of Amanda's Creative Life, INC

“I've always been a fan of smoothies, but I have to say that they never really filled me up and left me satisfied. That is, until smoothie bowls came on the scene! Carissa and her team have put together a beautiful book featuring beautiful food. Not only do you have eighty recipes to choose from, but you also get a full education about why smoothie bowls are superior, what ingredients to use, and how to maximize your bowl's nutrition. Even those on special diets will be able to enjoy the flavorful creations Carissa presents in this stunning book!” —Jessica Espinoza, wellness coach and founder of and

“What a refreshing look at smoothies! Healthy smoothies are essentially nutrient-dense foods through a straw, and yet one of the joys of eating is seeing the ingredients of our food and chewing them. Bravo to Carissa Bonham for giving us both in her rainbow-colored goodness-packed recipes. These beautiful bowls are part-smoothie goodness, part sprinkles of fruit, nuts, seeds, and other wholesome delights. You cannot help but fall in love with them. A beautifully done book which leaves you feeling satiated and guilt-free!” —Farnoosh Brock, author of The Healthy Smoothie Bible and The Healthy Juicer’s Bible

“Carissa is Queen of Smoothie bowls. I love her recipes and recommend this book for anyone who wants to start or maintain a healthy lifestyle.” —Leah Segedie, founder of Mamavation and ShiftCon

“One of the issues I have with eating healthy is that I get bored. Bored with the same old, same old all the time. After going through the smoothie bowl recipes in this book, I am inspired! I am excited to try SO MANY of these gorgeous recipes and thanks to this book I don't think I'll ever be bored with 'healthy sweets' again!" —Amanda Formaro of Amanda's Creative Life, INC

“I've always been a fan of smoothies, but I have to say that they never really filled me up and left me satisfied. That is, until smoothie bowls came on the scene! Carissa and her team have put together a beautiful book featuring beautiful food. Not only do you have eighty recipes to choose from, but you also get a full education about why smoothie bowls are superior, what ingredients to use, and how to maximize your bowl's nutrition. Even those on special diets will be able to enjoy the flavorful creations Carissa presents in this stunning book!” —Jessica Espinoza, wellness coach and founder of and

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