
Failing at Fairness, the result of two decades of research, shows how gender bias makes it impossible for girls to receive an education equal to that given to boys.

  • Girls' learning problems are not identified as often as boys' are

  • Boys receive more of their teachers' attention

  • Girls start school testing higher in every academic subject, yet graduate from high school scoring 50 points lower than boys on the SAT

Hard-hitting and eye-opening, Failing at Fairness should be read by every parent, especially those with daughters.

About the author(s)

David Sadker is professor emeritus at American University (Washington, DC) and, along with his late wife Myra Sadker, gained a national reputation for work in confronting gender bias and sexual harassment.  David Sadker has directed more than a dozen federal education grants, and authored or co-authored seven books, including the bestselling introductory teacher education textbook, Teachers, Schools and Society, (McGraw Hill, 2008). The American Educational Research Association’s (AERA) honored the Sadkers for “the best review of research” published in 1991, for their professional service in 1995, and for “scholarship, activism, and community building on behalf of women and education” in 2004. The American Association of University Women awarded the Sadkers’ their Eleanor Roosevelt Award in 1995, and the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education recognized their work with the Gender Architect Award in 2001. David Sadker has received two honorary doctorates. He currently teaches at the University of Arizona.


Garin Rubenstein The New York Times Required reading for anyone interested in sex bias.

Patricia Ireland President, National Organization for Women Provides hard evidence of the discrimination women face from the first day of school.

Naomi Wolf Author of The Beauty Myth We need many more books like this one, that draw into the foreground the fact that sexism in the schools is crippling America's leadership and productivity.

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