"In Hot and Unbothered, Yana Tallon-Hicks balances open-hearted curiosity with warm compassion, creating space for readers to understand themselves and their erotic world more fully."
— Emily Nagoski, Ph.D., New York Times bestselling author of Come As You Are and Burnout
“Yana Tallon-Hicks weaves essential advice into a clever, comprehensive, and inclusive primer for curious humans. Hot and Unbothered is for anyone who desires to experience, navigate, embrace and enjoy a happy, healthy sex life.“ — Elle Chase, CSE, certified sex educator & coach and author of Curvy Girl Sex
“Yana Tallon-Hicks has given us a friendly and remarkably thorough pleasure-positive map to unlock the joys of sex, rich with wise advice about avoiding communication pitfalls and excellent guidelines for securing enthusiastic consent. Read it when you are starting out on any new adventure; keep it in your library as the definitive reference work.” — Dossie Easton, marriage and family therapist and co-author of The Ethical Slut
"Yana just wrote the guide to pleasurable, intimate, and hot sex we've all been waiting for. This book is relatable and practical, handing you the roadmap to a deeper, more fulfilling sexual connection with yourself and others." — Shaun Galanos, host of The Love Drive podcast
"[Yana's] advice is inclusive and mindful of different body types and abilities, as well as the myriad possible partner configurations and definitions of sex. Additionally, the author’s casual and humorous tone ensures the guidance entertains throughout. The result makes for a superb manual on having more fun in bed (or wherever)." — Publisher's Weekly