
In the vein of poetry collections like Milk and Honey and Adultolescence, this compilation of short, powerful poems from teen Instagram sensation @poeticpoison perfectly captures the human experience. 

In Light Filters In, Caroline Kaufman—known as @poeticpoison—does what she does best: reflects our own experiences back at us and makes us feel less alone, one exquisite and insightful piece at a time. She writes about giving up too much of yourself to someone else, not fitting in, endlessly Googling “how to be happy,” and ultimately figuring out who you are.

This collection features completely new material plus some fan favorites from Caroline's account. Filled with haunting, spare pieces of original art, Light Filters In will thrill existing fans and newcomers alike.

it’s okay if some things

are always out of reach.

if you could carry all the stars

in the palm of your hand,

they wouldn’t be

half as breathtaking

About the author(s)

Caroline Kaufman—known as @poeticpoison on Instagram—was only a freshman in high school when she began posting her poetry online, and since then she has amassed hundreds of thousands of followers across social media reading her work worldwide. Her debut book, Light Filters In, released in 2018, and she was named one of Her Campus’s 22 Under 22 Most Inspiring College Women in 2018 for her work destigmatizing mental illness through poetry. Caroline grew up in Westchester, New York, and is currently studying English at Harvard University. When she’s not writing, she can be found eating pad thai, harmonizing with the radio, and refusing to believe she’s growing up.


“A young poet dips into the ink of her experience and writes her own light into existence.” — Laurie Halse Anderson, author of Speak

“Caroline’s words are an honest, lyrical kick in the teeth.” — Amanda Lovelace, bestselling author of the princess saves herself in this one

“Kaufman’s willingness to share and artfully articulate her vulnerability has already proved vitally important for the legions of followers she’s garnered as an “Instapoet,” and will now prove similarly validating and empowering for those teens who discover her work through print…. A top addition to YA poetry collections.” — School Library Journal (starred review)

“Debut author Kaufman’s voice is authentic, and her experiences, feelings, and journey toward healing are convincing. This book could be a lifeline for survivors and provide insight for others.” — Kirkus Reviews

“Her warmly conversational tone suggests assurance and solidarity with readers that she sees as allies in brave combat against overwhelming darkness.” — Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books

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