"The pages of this book quite rightly drag us out of our dangerous apathy and call for the rebirth of hope even from the depths of the darkest despair."
A powerful, shocking and profoundly moving collection of testimonies from Palestinians, Israelis, Christians and volunteer workers, each telling their own stories about life in the disputed territories. The accounts come not only from adults, but also from Arab and Jewish children. The picture painted is of two peoples who live alike in terror, blaming each other for the continuation of the conflict, but the book is also a heartfelt cry for peace, a peace that acknowledges injustice and offers dignity to all.
"A book of hope that reconciles us with humanity."
"This book contains sad, frequently angry, and very poignant, testimonies from men, women and children, about their loss and hunger: the loss of homes; loved ones; childhood freedoms; hunger for reconciliation; and for a land to call home. The book reveals a world where both sides live with the daily realities and personal consequences of conflict."
"This is a book from the heart but with much reaason to it."