
More and more women are choosing to breastfeed their babies. You may be surprised, however, to learn that nursing doesn't always come easily. The Everything Breastfeeding Book is a friendly, unintimidating primer that helps you make lifestyle choices that work for you and your child-and make feedings a wonderful time for bonding. The Everything Breastfeeding Book, written by a certified breastfeeding educator, is packed with professional advice on every aspect of breastfeeding-from the first moments of latching on, to ensuring that your baby is well fortified, to ultimately weaning the baby off the breast. This thorough, easy-to-follow guide features professional, practical information on: The most comfortable nursing positions; How to manage breast pain and swelling; What to do when your baby is resistant; How to establish a feeding routine; Pumping and milk storage; How your partner can help.

About the author(s)

Suzanne Fredregill is the author of The Everything Breastfeeding Book, a Simon & Schuster book.

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