
You know breastfeeding sucks when...

Your breast pump starts to resemble a medieval torture device
Your latest scent is eau de' cabbage leaves
Your breasts rival Old Faithful as a must-see attraction

If you need to latch on to something with your free hand while your little miracle is latched on to you, then Breastfeeding Sucks is the book for you. Inside, Joanne Kimes covers:

  • How to prepare for breastfeeding before the birth
  • Physical and emotional challenges that face both you and your little leech—er, infant
  • Nursing in public and pumping at the office without feeling like a freak-show attraction
  • Weaning that little tot before his eighth birthday
In the hilarious, real-mom style that made Pregnancy Sucks a hit, Kimes lays it all out. She gives as much mitigating advice as she can muster to reduce the nipple pain, engorgement, fatique, and frustration that come with breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding Sucks is the only book you need on the long road to sippy cups.

About the author(s)

An Adams Media author.

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