
Deadly plagues have ripped across the globe for centuries and will continue to do so in the future. From the Black Death to Smallpox and the Hong Kong flu, seven of the ten worst plagues in history originated in China. But the Covid-19 pandemic was something entirely new: a genetically engineered pathogen that was deliberately released upon the world for the geopolitical profit of a Communist government.

In The Politically Incorrect Guide® to Pandemics, Steven Mosher, a leading authority on China, devastates politically correct narratives about the Covid-19 pandemic and the deadliest plagues in history. With expert insight, he reveals:

  • Mountains of evidence that the Covid-19 pandemic originated in a Wuhan lab and not a wet market
  • What life was like under plagues of the past and how these compare to the Covid-19 pandemic
  • How Communist governments benefit economically and strategically from international plagues
  • Chinese Communist Party source documents revealing viruses bioengineered to wreak global havoc

The next pandemic may be the most devastating plague of all time. The Politically Incorrect Guide® to Pandemics sounds the alarm to prepare for a dangerous pandemic future.

About the author(s)

STEVEN W. MOSHER, president of Population Research Institute, is a leading authority on China. He is the author of numerous books including Journey to the Forbidden China; A Mother’s Ordeal: One Woman’s Fight against China’s One-Child Policy; Population Control: Real Costs, Illusory Benefits; and Broken Earth: The Rural Chinese. He frequently appears on Good Morning America, 60 Minutes, and CNN News, and publishes in the New Republic, National Review, and the Wall Street Journal.

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