
It's time to take control of your health and start living.

In this six-week guide to completely transforming your life, we focus on the one thing that matters most: YOU! Your body and your health have come in second place for far too long, and that needs to change RIGHT NOW! Your Health Is Non-Negotiable breaks down all the ways you have been unknowingly hurting your body and explains exactly how you can eliminate these problems and habits, while feeling and looking better than ever before. And this is a plan that can be tailored to suit YOU—your needs, your lifestyle, your goals—as everyone’s body is different! Imagine a future in which you have the health and energy to sail through life, the physique and fitness that you always desired, and, most importantly, the knowledge to maintain this for the rest of your happy life. It’s time to ditch our unhealthy lifestyles, reject all of the medical myths that have plagued so many of us, take control of our lives, and make our health NON-NEGOTIABLE!

About the author(s)

Over the past decade, Sherry Thacker has helped thousands of women create their new healthy identity. Using her proven 6 week transformation strategies, she has helped women make their health non-negotiable after they have neglected their bodies while caring for the people that they love. These women have said goodbye to their old destructive ways and are now focused on creating a beautiful relationship with food. Ending sugar craving and embracing who foods that keep them young, alive and vibrant.

More Weight Control

More Health & Healing

More Cooking

More Natural Foods

More Specific Ingredients

More Methods