Food & Drink


- USES: pilafs, jambalaya, fried rice, Asian dishes, curries, side dishes.

The slim slender grains of white long-grain rice are milled to remove the husk. Of the many varieties, 40,000 at last count, the two most popular kinds of packaged long-grain rice are fragrant flavoured Thai jasmine, which is slightly sticky and nutty, and Basmati, with its separate, fluffy grains.

Boil regular long grain in lots of water for 12 minutes, drain well, cover and steam for 5 minutes with seasonings and butter, if desired. With this method, the rice does not have to be rinsed.

Rinsed basmati needs equal amounts of water and rice. Bring to a boil, cover and steam on low heat for 15 minutes. Fluff with a fork.

With Thai jasmine, use the same method but increase water to 1⁄ cups (375 mL) per cup of rice.

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