Food & Drink

Infusion Intel


Choose glass or ceramic containers with tight-fitting lids—we like 2-quart (2-L) Mason jars. Wash them well in very hot, soapy water then dry before filling.

A wide preserving funnel is handy for filling the jars with fruit.

If lids don’t fit tightly, cover containers with a double layer of plastic wrap held on with elastic before topping with lids.

Once filled, store the jars in a cool, dark place, like a basement cupboard. Or put the jars in an opaque, plastic storage box with a lid and store in the basement or other cool spot.

The longer you infuse, the more intense the taste, so sample regularly until you like the balance of flavours. We recommend infusing for at least 1 week and no longer than 2 months.

Once strained, store both spirit and fruit, in tightly sealed containers, in the fridge. The strained spirit will keep for up to 2 months, the fruit for up to 2 weeks.

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