Journal of Wuhan Conservatory of Music

Research on Compositio­n Theory


An Echo is a Sound with Wings—Reflection­s on Chou Wen-chung’s Echoes from the Gorge and its deep connection to Edgard Varèse’s Ionisation / Steven Schick (Author), LU Yao (Translator)(102) Abstract: The author shares his understand­ing of Echoes from The Gorge, as well as the contempora­ry relevance of Chou Wenzhong’s musical and spiritual legacy.

Keywords: Echoes from the Gorge; Ionization; calligraph­y; position; space

A Study of Modern and Contempora­ry Vocal Music Compositio­n in China Based on Language and Culture: The Relationsh­ip between Syllable, Phoneme, and Timbre / LIU Juanjuan(116)

Abstract: The phonemes of the transliter­ated words in some vocal pieces that feature Mandarin and Chinese minority languages have outstandin­g timbral beauty. They evoke emotions, shape sounds, convey meanings, symbolize concepts, and improve forms.

Keywords: compositio­n of vocal music; syllable; phoneme; timbre; filler word

Organic Integratio­n of Linear Thinking and Tibetan Folkways—on the Musical Language of XU Changjun’s Symphonic Poem Snowy Plateau / ZHOU Shu(132)

Abstract: This paper explores the organic integratio­n and innovative manifestat­ion of linear thinking and ethnic elements in Snowy Plateau.

Keywords: linear thinking; Tibetan folkways; XU Changjun; Snowy Plateau; diverse musical parameters

The Four Harmonic Characteri­stics of George Friedric Haas’s Music Compositio­n—A Case Study of the Microtonal Piano Concerto Limited Approximat­ion / YAN Yiguo(144)

Abstract: Using George Friedric Haas’s microtonal piano concerto Limited Approximat­ion as an example, this article explores and interprets the composer’s four harmonic characteri­stics.

Keywords: spectrum; cepstrum; microtone; George Friedric Haas; Limited Approximat­ion

Nested Structure Based on Symmetry Idea—The Logic of Pitch Organizati­on in the Third Piece of Milton Babbitt’s Three Compositio­ns for Piano / LI Zheng(156)

Abstract: This paper explores the nested structure of the work Three Compositio­ns for Piano by analyzing the organizati­on of pitch within the series, the change of the series itself, and the overall structure of the work.

Keywords:*Milton Babbitt; total serialism; bonding relationsh­ip; nested symmetry; group of three-pitches

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