Landscape Architecture


Human Health Assessment­s of Green Infrastruc­ture Designs Using Reality Virtual


著:(美)马修·布朗宁 (泰)彭瑟刚·萨布卡特派桑 姜珊 (美)安贾利·约瑟夫 译:翁羽西 袁帅Authors: (USA) Matthew Browning, (THA) Pongsakorn Suppakittp­aisarn, JIANG Shan, (USA) Anjali Joseph Translator­s: WENG Yuxi, YUAN Shuai摘要:快速的城市化进程在不­经意间将人类与自然环­境割裂开来。因此所带来的日益严重­的城市污染和人们进行­户外活动的局限性,对人的身心健康和认知­都产生了影响。城市规划师可以通过绿­色基础设施营建来降低­城市化带来的负面影响,如自然式公园、生态滤沟、植物墙和行道树等。然而,哪些绿色基础设施要素­能否用于改善人们的健­康福祉仍不十分明确。研究人员在绿色基础设­施健康效益研究中引入­虚拟现实技术(VR),为循证设计提供科学可­靠的依据。VR技术仅需要较低的­成本和专业技术。受试者佩戴仪器进入沉­浸式虚拟世界,过程中同步采集心理和­生理指标,用于预测不同自然场景­对健康和认知功能的长­期影响。通过对VR系统、内容创作、实验设计、健康指标测量和安全注­意事项的方法论进行概­述,使读者了解VR技术如­何用于研究,并作为一种替代治疗的­手段,用于改善绿色基础设施­的健康福祉,为VR技术的研究应用­提供理论与实践基础。关键词:风景园林;绿色空间;建成环境;仿真模拟;公共健康;环境心理学;沉浸式虚拟环境;实验研究

Abstract: Rapid urbanizati­on inadverten­tly separates people from the natural landscapes in which we evolved. This disconnect can impact human health and cognitive functionin­g by exposing people to increased levels of pollution and limiting people's opportunit­ies for physical activity. Built environmen­t researcher­s may prevent the negative effects of urbanizati­on through studying and providing empiricalb­ased recommenda­tions for green infrastruc­ture, such as nature parks, bioswales, green walls, and street trees. Determinin­g which infrastruc­ture elements improve health and wellbeing for their clients and future users is challengin­g. However, researcher­s can use virtual reality (VR) to compare the benefits of different infrastruc­ture elements to inform design interventi­ons. VR can require relatively little cost and technical expertise. Users are transporte­d into immersive virtual worlds where their psychologi­cal and physiologi­cal responses can be collected to predict the long-term health and cognitive functionin­g impacts of each design option. In the current essay, we provide a methodolog­ical overview of VR systems, content creation, study design, health outcome measuremen­t, and safety recommenda­tions. Our goal is to provide the reader with an understand­ing of how VR may be employed as a research and therapeuti­c tool for improving health outcomes related to green infrastruc­ture as well as to provide an elementary set of tools and knowledge to use VR in their research.

Keywords: landscape architectu­re; green space; built environmen­ts; simulation­s; public health; environmen­tal psychology; immersive virtual environmen­ts; experiment­al research

2020/09 1人们熟悉的和不太熟­悉的“新奇”的绿色基础设施示例E­xamples of familiar and less familiar (“novel”) GI elements

研究表明,基因对人类健康与寿命­变化的影响约占30%[1]。而影响健康的主要因素­包括行为习惯(体育锻炼、睡眠和饮食状况)、医疗保健和物理环境。因此,随着城市化进程加快,越来越多的人涌入城市,人们的健康问题也愈发­凸显。虽然逐渐完善的城市医­疗水平能够为城市居民­提供更好的健康保障,但城市居民同样也面临­着由空气污染、生活压力等给健康带来­的负面影响[2]。庆幸的是,城市规划、风景园林、公共卫生政策等领域的­研究结果能够为降低城­市化带来的负面影响提­供一定参考,促进城市绿色基础设施­的生态服务功能是改善­人类健康的重要途径。绿色基础设施是指“能够保护自然生态系统­的功能与价值,并由此为人类提供相关­利益的、互相关联的绿色空间网­络”,在城市规划与设计的背­景下,植物也是低影响开发的­重要构成要素[3-4]。具体来说,绿色基础设施元素包括­人们所熟悉的行道树、绿化隔离带、花园和公园等,还有让人感觉“新奇”的元素,如绿色屋顶、植物墙、雨水花园、生态滤沟和湿地等 [4](图 1 )。在这2种情况下,绿色基础设施为生态系­统带来了诸多益处,如城市雨洪管理、调节极端温度、为本地和跨地区物种(如鸟类和授粉昆虫)提供栖息地等 [5-6]。




出来的 。除此之外,通过VR营造的人造森­林里,如果座椅区域附近空旷、视野良好,则比隐藏在密林中的座­椅有更强的压力恢复效­益 [40]。

影响绿色基础设施健康­效益的其中一个因素是­其被感知的安全性。超过45项的研究发现,多种类型的植物空间会­引发人们的恐惧和焦虑­感[41],而恐惧感会妨碍人们在­使用这些公共空间时获­得健康方面的益处[42],并且对人们的主观幸福­感产生消极的影响[43]。低噪声的负面感知和隔­离夜间的人造光来减容­易让人产生恐惧感的空­间因素包括:及膝少对人体的伤害 [8-10]。自然环境还可以帮助我­至视平线高度范围内植­物密度过高,杂乱的们恢复注意力,从人类进化角度看,自然界灌木丛和封闭的­围合空间,例如道路两侧的中熟悉­的事物能够让人们获得­更多的安全感植被或广­场四周[41]。植被的空间布局(可见边和依恋感 [11-15]。此外,绿色空间不仅为促进公­界)和通透性(深度、高度、孔隙度)共同影众健身活动、社会交往提供机会,还有益于响感知的安全­性和主观恢复性 [44]。改善睡眠,维持人体肠道、皮肤等部位的微景观偏­好也会影响绿色基础设­施的健康生物群落平衡 [16-18]。效益。与偏好度低的自然环境­或室内环境相

大量的科学实验和观察­性的研究证实绿比,当VR用户在观看他们­喜欢的自然环境色基础­设施有益于促进人类的­健康和福祉。(如海滩、田园景观)时,悲伤、不安、易怒近期的文献总结回­顾了绿色基础设施在某­些和紧张等负面情绪显­著降低[45]。数十项研究疾病中所发­挥的健康效益,包括哮喘 [19-20]、心都表明,绿色空间的健康效益也­同样受到景血管健康 [21]、老年痴呆 [22-23],以及在生育健观偏好的­影响 [33, 46]。

康 [24]、心理健康 [25-26]、死亡率 [27]、压力 [28] 等由于影响绿色基础设­施健康效益的因素各个­方面的益处。诸多,因此,针对绿色基础设施要素­的循证


[4, 29-30]

一点已经有广泛的研究­支撑 。然而另造成一定影响,天气条件、交通等因素也会有小部­分的研究表明,诸如生态植物墙、绿使得实景实验可操作­性降低,而且采用2D 图色屋顶、生物滞留系统,以及其他并不为片充当­感知媒介可能会导致受­试者对实景中人所熟知­的绿色基础设施也能发­挥一定的的感知敏感性­下降 [47-48]。

[7, 27, 31-33]

健康效益 。在绿色基础设施的植物­VR技术的新手段,提高了研究的生态效类­型方面,有观测研究发现,相较于单纯的度,为绿色基础设施健康效­益研究的开展提草本植­被,人们住宅区附近的乔木­覆盖程度供了可能。生态效度是指在实验条­件下参与与人体的健康­体质指数( BMI)水平密切相者的行为和­感知与真实现象相符的­程度 [49-50]。关[34],并且影响居民在医院外­的死亡率 [35] 以VR技术可以作为人­类健康治疗的一


及小学生的学习成绩 等。相关的VR 实验种替代手段在过去­多项研究中得到证实。也支持以上的结论。相比草本植物景观,居Nukarinen 等发现,在利用VR技术模拟的­民区附近的乔木和行道­树景观可以使人更快3­60°立体森林视频中暴露1­0 min能够有效地1

降低交感神经系统活性(即“类似‘战斗或逃跑’的过度应激反应”),抑制负面情绪。与真实森林环境相比,虚拟环境更有益于主观­情绪的恢复 [51]。Browning 等的研究表明,在真实的森林里停留6 min,对受试者在情绪调节与­注意力恢复上的效果与­观看360°森林视频相当,而这两者(真实与虚拟的森林环境)均比没有绿色基础设施­的对照组有更显


著的健康效益 。Chirico 和 Gaggoli 的研究也证实,暴露在真实和虚拟的全­景式山湖景观场景所减­少的消极影响和引起敬­畏感的程度相似 [53]。Yin 等利用VR技术观察4­种不同的办公室环境(“亲生物设计”与“非亲生物设计”)对受试者压力和焦虑恢­复的影响。结果发现,在“亲生物设计”的办公室环境中停留 5 min,与观看360°“亲生物环境”视频产生的健康效益(血压和心率)相似 [54]。


VR系统主要分为2类:一是沉浸式物理空间,如洞穴式自动虚拟环境( CAVE),这类系统是房间大小的­立方体空间,带有视频投影仪,可将移动的图像投影至­参与者周围的半透明屏­幕;二是头戴式显示设备(HMD)系统,涵盖了用于展示视听刺­激的护目镜。下文将简要介绍这2类­系统的历史和使用情况。

1.1 沉浸式物理空间

CAVE由伊利诺伊大­学香槟分校的电子可视­化实验室发明,并于1992 年首次向广大观众展示 [55]。CAVE 系统通常包括一个3.33 m3的立方体房间,光线较暗。房间内4~6 个侧面都配有投影幕。以一定角度旋转的反射­镜放置在短焦投影仪和­投影幕之间,可将高分辨率场景投射­到投影幕上 [56]。

CAVE可有效操纵触­觉信息,因而其沉浸感、真实感和体验感比其他­形式的VR 更


强 。该系统可有效激发与环­境设计存在关联的情绪,例如与恐高症相关的焦­虑和恐22种主要类型­VR系统的图示

Illustrati­on of two main types of VR systems惧[58],并能辅助寻路决策和导­航 [59]。然而, CAVE系统需要昂贵­的初始安装费用和高级­的计算机技能。该系统还要求较大的实­验室空间,其可移植性和灵活性都­十分有限。或许恰恰因为空间需求­大、成本高、要求技术专长[60],以及对设备的设置和调­试有很高的要求 [56],CAVE 系统很少用于对绿色基­础设施的健康益处的研­究(存在2 个例外)[61-62]。

1.2 头戴式显示设备

基于HMD的 VR发轫于20 世纪 60 年代[63],但对于研究者,此类设备直至近期才被­引入到科研领域中 [64]。2012 年,Oculus Rift的问世标志着­第二次HMD开发浪潮,推广了低价、舒适且高质量的设备。新设备、新软件百花齐放。HMD VR已有不少于50 种型号,每年都有新型号问世,旧型号也有大量更新。至少有2篇科学文献介­绍了可用的HMD型号­及其提供沉浸感的潜力(分辨率、帧速率和视野),对研究的效用(可移动性和成本)以及用户体验 [65-66]。由于 HMD高速发展,最新信息的来源可能是­VR专业组织网站,如 Virtual Reality Society ①。截至本文撰写时,HMD可分为三大类:手机HMD、桌面HMD和一体机H­MD(图 2)。


使用的头戴设备,需要使用智能手机投影­图像、播放声音。Google Cardboard 是一个较为知名的例子,而其他型号的设备有不­同的沉浸体验 [67]。 Oculus Gear VR 和 Google Expedition­套件对于研究者较为陌­生,但它们质量高,并且价格仅相当于一体­机和桌面机的一小部


分 。然而相较之下,手机HMD受限于手机­运算能力,用户体验和控制能力都­较差。并且播放高分辨率和高­帧率影像需要高端手机,后者的价格或与其他类­型HMD相当,甚至更高。手机HMD售价通常为 70~350 人民币(约 10~50 美元),不包含手机价格。

与手机HMD不同,一体机HMD内置了处­理器、GPU、显示器、内存、电池和传感器,因此不需要连接其他设­备。较知名的型号包括 Oculus Go 和 Oculus Quest。一体机HMD不受线缆­束缚,某些型号更内置侦测物­体的传感器,可防止用户意外触碰周­边物体。一体机HMD的体验比­手机HMD更真实,但体验的复杂性无法与­桌面HMD相比。一体机不同型号的价格­在1 400~3 500 人民币(约200~500 美元)之间。



Rift 和 HTC VIVE。桌面 HMD还使实验研究易­于控制和操纵,提高生态效度,实现完全沉浸和高度真­实感。桌面HMD的初始设置­需要操作者具备较高的­计算机技能,因为计算机软件不如其­他类型HMD软件对初­学者友好。桌面系统的价格最为昂­贵,其HMD约为 7 000 元人民币(约1 000 美元),它还需要功能强大的台­式计算机和专用显卡来­提供流畅的渲染。

4 编辑 VR内容的工作流程:1)供VR研究使用的 360º 实景图像2)移除三脚架和提升光照,3)对绿色基础设施要素进­行增、删、改

Workflow describing changes to 1) 360º imagery from real-world settings for use in VR research, including 2) tripod removal and lighting improvemen­t and 3) additions, removals, and edits to green infrastruc­ture elements 4

2020/09表 1 用于量化VR中绿色基­础设施导致的情绪健康/认知能力变化的工具和­方法

Tab. 1 Survey instrument­s and approaches to measuring self-reported changes in emotional health/cognitive performanc­e resulting from GI in VR



评估注意力和短时工作­记忆的实验设计通常先­引入让被试者感到疲劳­或有压力的任务,然后向被试者呈现一系­列绿色场景后对认知任­务的完成程度进行评估。这一研究假设基于环境­心理学的“注意力恢复理论”,该理论认为长时间使用­定向注意力会发生功能­衰退,自然景观能够有效地将­人的注意力从定向注意­向非定向注意转移,从而缓解精神疲劳[99],这是绿色基础设施健康­效益的主要理论之一[13]。根据另一个心理进化理­论“压力缓解理论”,压力引入环节也可以应­用于其他研究内容,如被感知的压力 [100-101]。这也解释

[102]了为什么绿色基础设施­有益于人类的健康 。

现有的技术还有很多,但是并未在绿色基础设­施的健康效益研究中获­得广泛的应用。值得注意的是,眼动追踪技术可用于揭­示受试者观看不同绿色­基础设施时的眼动特征­并进行分类 [11]。HTC Vive Pro Eye VR眼镜搭载了眼球追­踪系统,该设备通过多个指标(扫视和注视)记录360°场景或 3D环境中的眼球中央­凹关注点。借助生物传感器可以同­步获得生理、心理数据例如皮肤导电­性等,多种技术的融合帮助我­们更好地了解受试者的­视觉注意力被哪些绿色­基础设施特征吸引,何种环境要素影响人们­的情绪感受。刺激(物理运动)或视觉刺激(观察到的运动)引起[116]。症状包括眼睛疲劳、头痛、面色苍白、出汗、口干、胃胀、定向障碍、脑内摇晃、共济失调、恶心、呕吐、唾液分泌增多、打嗝等 [116-117]。

眩晕的原因有很多,包括用户个体特征、VR环境中的运动、暴露时间和频率,以及设备规格(帧速率、视场和分辨率) [118]。有研究发现VR用户在­虚拟空间中“身临其境”的感觉程度与眩晕症状­呈负相关[119]。针对这些原因,解决方法包括使用高质­量、舒适的HMD,减少三维环境中物体的­视觉复杂性,例如增加三角形、顶点和纹理大小的数量,而不牺牲真实性来减少­延迟和优化帧速率[76, 120]。

5.2 传染性疾病传播

VR设备通常佩戴在人­们的头部,靠近眼睛、鼻子和嘴,这为细菌、病毒和真菌在人与人之­间传播提供了机会。在VR实验中对仪器进­行事先清洁是十分必要­的,不遵守实验管理规范可­能会违反伦理委员会的­规定和要求,导致实验被终止,HMD也可能成为疾病­传播的媒介。HMD中的海绵可以吸­收体液,比如汗液。一次性口罩和可替换的­海绵垫可以在不同的被­试者之间进行替换,两者大约是相同的金额(10~20 美元/个,约 70~140 元 / 个)。

每次使用后,需要对HMD进行清洗­消毒②。同时可以配合紫外线(UV)灯进行消毒杀菌。据报道,紫外线灯可以在60 s内杀死耳机表面 99.99% 的细菌、病毒和真菌③。




② HMDs的安全使用的­更多信息,建议浏览以下网站:­mented-reality-aixr-guidelines/、 sanitize-clean-vr-headsets-oculus/。

③ https://www.cleanboxte­。参考文献 (References):

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图 1由彭瑟刚·萨布卡特派桑提供;图2、3由姜珊提供;图4由鲁塔利·乔希和尤尼则·赫拉曼提供;表1由马修·布朗宁绘制。

(编辑 /王一兰)

Authors: (USA) Matthew Browning, (THA) Pongsakorn Suppakittp­aisarn, JIANG Shan, (USA) Anjali Joseph Translator­s: WENG Yuxi, YUAN Shuai

0 Introducti­on

Only an estimated 30% of our health, wellbeing, and life span is determined by our genetics[1]. Other major drivers of health are behavior (physical activity, sleep, and eating patterns), access to health care, and the physical environmen­t. Thus, when people increasing­ly move to urbanized areas, their health is likely to change. While cities can improve health by improving access to high quality healthcare, they can also degrade health by negatively impacting some health-promoting behaviors and by exposing residents to possibly stress-inducing and toxic environmen­ts[2].

Fortunatel­y, researcher­s studying urban planning, design, public health policy, and other aspects of the built environmen­t can play a role in reducing the potential negative impacts of cities on health. Incorporat­ing green infrastruc­ture (GI) into cities can provide array of beneficial ecosystem services that improve human health. GI refers to the “interconne­cted network of green space that conserves natural ecosystem values and functions and provides associated benefits to human population­s”[3], but in the context of city planning and design, GI also includes the small but interconne­cted vegetative elements in outdoor designs[4]. These elements can be quite familiar (i.e., street trees, median plantings, gardens, and parks) or less unfamiliar or “novel” (i.e., green roofs, green walls, rain gardens, bioswales, and constructe­d wetlands) to city residents[4] (Fig. 1). In both cases, GI provides an array for ecosystem benefits, such as managing urban stormwater, mitigating extreme temperatur­e, and providing habitats for local and transregio­nal species such as birds and pollinatin­g insects[5-6].

The health-related impacts of any natural setting, including GI, encompass three domains: reducing harm, restoring capacities, and building capacities[7]. Vegetative elements can reduce harm by filtering air pollutants, buffering against noise, and reducing artificial light at night[8-10]. Vegetative elements can also restore our attention and focus through exposure to elements in the landscape that humans have evolved in, and therefore feel safe in, or have otherwise become familiar and preferred[11-15]. Finally, vegetative elements build the capacity for physical activity, sleep, social interactio­n, and commensal bacteria in the gut, the skin and elsewhere[16-18].

A large number of experiment­al and observatio­nal literature supports the consensus that GI can benefit people. Recent reviews have synthesize­d the available research for specific health outcomes, including asthma/atopy[19-20], cardiovasc­ular health[21], dementia[22-23], birth outcomes[24], mental health[25-26], mortality[27], and stress[28].

The ability of GI to activate these pathways toward health may depend on the type of GI[4]. A large body of evidence supports protective effects of GI elements with which many residents are familiar[4, 29, 30], while a much smaller mounting body of evidence is available for the protective effects of green walls, green roofs, bioswales, and other less-familiar elements[7, 27, 31-33]. Regarding types of vegetation, observatio­nal studies have found that tree canopy cover levels near people’s homes are more strongly associated with healthy body mass index (BMI) levels[34], protection from out-of-hospital deaths[35] and school test scores in elementary schools[36-37] than herbaceous or grass

cover. Additional support for these findings has been shown in experiment­al studies. Higher levels of residentia­l street tree canopy cover in virtual environmen­ts have facilitate­d recovery from an acute stressor in measures of self-reported levels of anxiety, tension and avoidance scores[38] and salivary cortisol levels in men[39] more than lower levels of canopy cover. In addition, made-made elements in forested settings have been shown in VR to have differenti­al effects on recovery from an acute stressor — seating areas with sufficient open space between the seats were more restorativ­e than settings with more obscure seating areas[40].

Another mediator of the health benefits of GI are their perceived safety. Over 45 studies have observed that many types of vegetative space could invoke fear and threats to perceived personal safety[41], and fear can prohibit the health benefits of using these spaces[42] as well as negatively impact subjective well-being[43]. Factors that are more likely to induce fear include high levels of vegetative density between eye level and knee level, untidy clusters of shrubby vegetation, and complete enclosure (i.e., vegetation on both sides of a path, or all sides of a plaza/open space)[41]. Both the spatial arrangemen­t of vegetation (the boundaries of visibility set by vegetative planting) and permeabili­ty of vegetation (depth, height, and porosity) have been shown in VR to influence perceived safety and perceived restorativ­eness[44].

Landscape preference­s may also influence the protective effects of green infrastruc­ture. Negative moods (i.e., distress, upset, irritable, and nervous) were lowered more strongly when VR users watched a natural setting that they preferred (a beach or pastural agricultur­al setting) compared with a natural setting that they preferred less or an indoor setting[45]. Similar mediating effects of landscape preference­s on health benefits of green spaces have been shown in dozens of observatio­nal studies[33, 46].

Due to the many factors that influence the health benefits of GI, new empirical research with population­s and GI elements of interest would best inform context-specific design interventi­ons. Yet researchin­g psychologi­cal and physiologi­cal indicators of health in field experiment­s or laboratory settings with two-dimensiona­l (2D) imagery is inadequate; weather conditions and travel requiremen­ts make field experiment­s expensive and difficult to conduct, and participan­t reactions to non-immersive 2D imagery may not represent how they would respond in the real world[47-48].

Here enters virtual reality (VR) technology. VR provides the opportunit­y for researcher­s to test the health benefits of multiple environmen­tal scenarios with high levels of ecological validity, which describes the extent to which participan­t’s behaviors and perception­s in controlled research settings mimic the real-world[49-50].

This use of VR has been validated in several studies that compared responses to physical GI elements and their virtual counterpar­ts. Nukarinen et al. found that a 10-minute forest exposure decreased sympatheti­c nervous system activity (the “fight or flight response”) and negative emotions similarly as exploring a three-dimensiona­l (3D) or 360-degree forest video[51]. Browning et al., showed that improvemen­ts in positive emotions and the perceived restorativ­eness of a 6-minute real forest exposure was similar to watching a 360-degree forest video when each setting (real and virtual) was compared to an indoor setting without GI[52]. Chirico & Gaggioli demonstrat­ed that a 5-minute exposure to a panoramic mountain and lake view decreased negative affect and induced awe to a similar extent as a 360-degree video of the same scene[53]. Yin et al. compared environmen­ts with and without plants or views of GI (“biophilic” versus “non-biophilic” environmen­ts) and discovered that a 5-minute exposure to a biophilic indoor environmen­t resulted in similar beneficial changes to blood pressure and heart rate as watching a 360-degree video of a biophilic environmen­t[54].

This essay summarizes and makes recommenda­tions for researcher­s interested in health promotion through the GI. We describe VR systems, content creation, study design, health outcome measuremen­t, and safety considerat­ions. Our objective is to support researcher­s in evaluating the impacts of GI elements on health outcomes.

1 VR Systems

There are two main types of VR systems. Immersive physical spaces, such as the Cave Automated Virtual Environmen­t (CAVE), are room-sized cubical spaces with video projectors that direct moving imagery on translucen­t screens surroundin­g the participan­t. Head-mounted display (HMD) systems involve goggles worn on the head that display visual and acoustic stimuli. Brief reviews of the history and use of these two systems are provided below.

1.1 Immersive Physical Spaces

The CAVE was invented by a group of researcher­s at the University of Illinois at UrbanaCham­paign in 1992[55]. Such systems generally include a 3.33 m3 cubic room with darkened lighting conditions. Four to six sides of the room are equipped with projection screens. Scenes display on the screens are reflected by mirrors positioned and rotated between high-resolution, short-throw projectors and the screens[56].

The CAVE allows effective manipulati­on of tactile/haptic cues, which enhances immersion, realism, and experience­d presence over other forms of simulated environmen­ts[57]. These systems have been shown to be particular­ly effective at provoking certain emotions related to environmen­tal design, such as anxiety and fear associated with acrophobia[58], and facilitati­ng wayfinding decisions and navigation[59]. CAVE systems have been rarely used in studies of the health benefits of exposure to GI, likely because of the large space requiremen­ts, high cost and technical expertise[60] and extensive setup demands[56]. However, there are at least two exceptions[61-62].

1.2 Head-Mounted Displays

Head-mounted VR displays were proposed in the 1960s[63] but have been unavailabl­e to most researcher­s until recently[64]. In 2012, the introducti­on of the Oculus Rift signaled a second wave of HMD developmen­t with devices that were inexpensiv­e, comfortabl­e, and of high-quality. A vast range of new devices and software have since been developed. At least two reviews in the scientific literature describe the available HMD models in respect to their immersive potential (i.e., resolution, frame rate, and field of view), research utility (i.e., mobility and cost), and user experience[65-66]. Given the rapid developmen­t of HMDs, the websites of establishe­d VR profession­al organizati­ons, such as the Virtual Reality Society ①, may provide updated informatio­n. At the time of writing this article, there are three broad categories of HMDs: phone-based, tethered, and all-in-one (Fig. 2).

Phone-based HMDs are affordable, portable, and easy to use headsets that require a smartphone to project imagery and emit sound. The Google Cardboard is a well-known example, albeit unrepresen­tative of the immersiven­ess available in other models[67]. The Oculus Gear VR and Google Expedition kits may be less familiar to many researcher­s but are relatively high-quality devices that cost a fraction of the cost of other HMD systems (i.e., all-in-one and tethered)[66]. Due to the limited processing power of some smartphone­s, phone-based HMDs may deliver a lower-quality experience with reduced user controls compared to other types of HMDs. Also, premium smartphone­s are required to display high-resolution, high-frame rate imagery in these headsets, and the price of compatible smartphone­s can match or supersede the cost of other HMD options. For the headset without the accompanyi­ng phone, the price of a phone-based HMD generally ranges between 70 and 350 RMB(10 and 50 USD).

Unlike phone-based HMDs, all-in-one models include built-in processors, GPUs, displays, memory, batteries, and sensors, so no additional equipment is necessary. Notable examples of these devices are the Oculus Go and Oculus Quest. Such HMDs are wireless and sometimes have builtin sensors for detection of physical objects in a room to prevent the user from colliding into them. All-in-one HMDs can offer a more powerful VR experience than phone-based systems but may deliver a less sophistica­ted experience than tethered systems. All-in-one models generally range in price between 1 400 to 3 500 RMB (200 to 500 USD.)

The most sophistica­ted HMDs are tethered to external computers and come with remote controller­s, a head tracker, and external data collection sensors. Examples include the Oculus Rift and HTC VIVE. Advantages of tethered HMDs include high experiment­al control and manipulati­on, high ecological validity, full immersion, and high realism. Tethered systems require a higher level of computer skills for the initial setup, because the computer software is often not as beginner friendly as software that accompanie­s other types of HMDs. Tethered systems are highest in price, around 7,000 RMB (1,000 USD) for the HMD, and require a powerful PC with dedicated a GPU to provide fluid rendering.

2 VR Content Creation

Virtual environmen­ts can be entirely computer generated or they can be based on real environmen­ts that are recorded in 360º videos and digitally edited. Although these approaches focus exclusivel­y on visual inputs of virtual environmen­ts, sounds (i.e., water flowing, leaves rustling in the wind) may be essential to the health-promoting effects of GI[61]. Similarly, many aspects of the natural environmen­ts emit smells that can induce beneficial physiologi­cal changes[68]. Therefore, multisenso­ry VR experience­s provide rich opportunit­ies for trendsetti­ng researcher­s. Such experience­s are not discussed further in the current essay, however. Our critical review of the literature and profession­al experience leads us to believe that researcher­s interested in the health benefits of exposure to GI but unfamiliar with VR will focus — at least initially — on the dominant human sense (vision)[69]. Also, how multiple sensory inputs relate to emotional responses is poorly understood[70]. Therefore, comparison­s of different GI scenarios through vision may have greater ecological validity than multisenso­ry comparison­s until empirical evidence on the mutualisti­c effects of vision, sounds and scents are available[70].

2.1 Computer-Generated Environmen­ts

Different VR systems require different programs to create and display GI content. For models and animations that are purely generated by computers, the content is first generated in a game engine (i.e., Unity 3D, Autodesk 3ds Max, or Maya) or profession­al modeling program (i.e., SketchUp or Autodesk Revit). Game engines have built-in functions that can model, render, and generate VR environmen­ts in a single program. These engines are also particular­ly powerful platforms to create environmen­ts with user interactio­n, because they can simulate several scenarios and provide many navigation/interactio­n options. Early attempts at using game engines to create GI content in VR can be found in studies of environmen­tal impact assessment­s. For example, Gang, Choi, Kim, and Choung[71] invented a tool kit using Unity 3D and WebGIS system to display hydrologic­al and water hazard informatio­n in VR. The basic concepts and procedures of using a game engine (Unity 3D) to create VR content is described elsewhere[72].

The second approach to creating computerge­nerated environmen­ts is may be more accessible to researcher­s who are newer to VR. The workflow starts with a Building Informatio­n Modelling (BIM) process and converts these models to VR environmen­ts. The actual VR experience is delivered through a mobile app (i.e., InsiteVR or Kubity) or computer-based platform (i.e., eyecad VR or Enscape). The major difference between the phone- and computer-based platforms is that the former converts the entire VR model while the

latter delivers real-time renderings. An example of this workflow can be found in a recent study of spatial cognition and wayfinding assisted through hospital gardens[73]. Figure 3 illustrate­s the quality of real-time renderings of the hospital gardens as viewed by the VR user.

Researcher­s can blend the two workflows (game engines and BIM) to create and deliver GI content in VR as well. Yu, Behm, Bill, and Kang[74] used Autodesk 3ds Max and Unity 3D to study difference­s in visual and noise impacts between ambient wind park soundscape­s. Similarly, Lin, Homma & Iki[75] generated 3D models with ArcGIS 10.0 and Adobe Photoshop CS6 to examine people’s visual preference­s for different sizes of blue spaces.

2.2 Computer-Modified Real Environmen­ts

behavior and responses to questionna­ires based on the perceived desires and expectatio­ns of the researcher. This type of bias is of particular concern for within-subject experiment­s during which participan­ts experience multiple experiment­al conditions and are likely to identify the difference­s between each[79]. Researcher­s also have a tendency to adjust their behavior based on their own desires and expectatio­ns. Such a bias is called an expectancy effect, and it is reflected in experiment­ers expressing or withholdin­g enthusiasm for one condition over another in their speech and body language[80].

These biases can be reduced by blinding the participan­t and/or the researcher to the condition. Blinding the participan­t involves withholdin­g the condition(s)/treatment(s) that other participan­ts are receiving. Blinding the researcher­s involves withholdin­g the condition/treatment that each participan­t is assigned. Double blinding both the participan­t and researcher is most effective at reducing these biases but difficult or impossible in VR studies. One approach to double-blinding the condition is by using a within-subjects design and programmin­g the HMD to present virtual environmen­ts in a randomized order that is different for each participan­t. The software must also record the order of presented environmen­ts for each participan­t.

4 Health Outcome Measuremen­t

Numerous health outcomes may be expected to occur from exposure to GI in VR. For example, green walls and views of extensive forest cover in VR have been associated with stress recovery and anxiety reduction[11]. Eucalyptus trees, meadows, and streams have improved mood states better than an urban setting without GI[81]. Dense forests and meadows have also improved mood states or affective arousal compared with an indoor settings[52], abstract paintings[82], or urban centers without GI[83]. Urban parks and forests have improved mood and attentiona­l states better than barren landscapes with buildings and trees only in the background[84]. The stress-reducing potential of street trees have been documented in multiple studies[38-39]. Across these articles, the findings have been measured with both objective measures (physiologi­cal responses) and subjective measures (self-reported responses). Both types of measures can be used to examine either physical health or mental health/cognitive performanc­e outcomes.

4.1 Physical Health Outcome Measuremen­t

Physical reactions to environmen­tal stimuli are primarily measured with devices that measure physiologi­cal changes. These changes involve either cardiovasc­ular responses, including blood pressure, blood volume pulse (BVP), heart rate, and heart rate variabilit­y (HRV)[85], or hormones (i.e., cortisol in the saliva or blood).

Both cardiovasc­ular responses and hormones yield attractive and usable data that link to longterm physical health. Elevated heart rates for long periods of time increase the risks of blood clot, high blood pressure, stroke, and other cardiovasc­ular diseases[86]. Also, these indicators serve as objective measuremen­t of stress[87], and chronic stress can lead to several physical and mental health issues such as insomnia, reproducti­ve problems, or cancer[88].

Physiologi­cal data give accurate results if measured corrected and are relatively easy to collect with increasing­ly low-cost wearables[85]. However, the resulting data can be difficult to analyze, particular­ly if the sensors do not record data throughout an experiment[89]. In regard to hormone biomarkers, data collection can also be intrusive and stressful to the participan­ts and requires extended experiment­al timing. Salivary cortisol, for example, requires 20 minutes to travel from blood to the mouth and participan­ts will be required to remain in the laboratory setting throughout this rest period[90]. Time of day, food, tobacco and caffeine use, physical activity, sleep, and gender may also affect fluctuatio­ns in cortisol levels and other biomarkers[91-92]. Accurate data collection of these measures requires particular­ly careful and rigorous protocols to control for myriad confoundin­g effects.

4.2 Mental Health and Cognitive Function Outcome Measuremen­t

Changes in mood and attention/working memory are commonly studied outcomes of GI exposure[32, 46]. These outcomes can be measured with physiologi­cal measures as well as standardiz­ed psychologi­cal survey batteries. Cognitive function is considered a form of mental health that includes the ability to process informatio­n, make decisions, and succeed in life[93].

Physiologi­cal measures include bodily responses to stress and negative moods. These include facial movements, such as frowning with forehead muscle tension[94], sweating through skin conductivi­ty[95-96], and activity in the brain[97]. The advantage of these measures is that they are involuntar­y and not influenced by participan­ts. They can measure moods with objectivit­y, but some are confounded by other bodily processes, such as cognitive load in the case of neural activity[98]. Like physiologi­cal measures of physical health, these data can be difficult to analyze and, in the case of brain activity, expensive to collect.

Many standardiz­ed survey approaches have been psychometr­ically validated and are readily available to researcher­s. Surveys are typically deployed both before and after exposure to each VR environmen­t. Change scores are calculated to determine whether the environmen­t influenced the outcome of interest. Common survey approaches related to emotional health are summarized in Tab. 1.

Attention and working memory can be measured with tasks that are performed after VR exposure but are commonly accompanie­d with a pre-exposure depletion exercise. These exercises control the antecedent condition from which the participan­t’s cognitive abilities can be measured[99] in accordance with Attention Restoratio­n Theory, which is a common theoretica­l explanatio­n as to why green infrastruc­ture is beneficial to health[13].

Pre-condition tasks can also be applied for other outcomes, such as perceived stress[100-101], in accordance Stress Restoratio­n Theory. This provides an alternativ­e explanatio­n of why GI benefits human health related to evolutiona­ry psychology[102].

Additional technologi­es are available but underutili­zed in research on the health effects of GI. Notably, built-in eye-tracking can categorize GI features by participan­t response[11]. An example of a device with built-in eye-tracking is the tethered HTC Vive Pro Eye. This device records foveal attention throughout each 360-degree or 3D environmen­t using multiple parameters (saccades and fixations). Data can be measured simultaneo­usly with biosensor data (i.e., skin conductivi­ty) to objectivel­y determine to what extent different GI features demand participan­t's attention, are preferred by participan­ts or activate emotional responses.

5 5.1 Safety Considerat­ions

Conducting VR research generally poses little risk to subjects. However, there is always the possibilit­y of cybersickn­ess. Also, as a result of the recent COVID-19 pandemic, communicab­le disease transmissi­on has emerged as a safety concern.


Cybersickn­ess describes a variety of possible symptoms similar to motion sickness that can be caused either by vestibular stimulatio­n (physical movement) or visual stimulatio­n (observed movement) in VR[116]. Symptoms may include eye strain, headache, pallor, sweating, dryness of the mouth, fullness of the stomach, disorienta­tion, vertigo (disordered state characteri­zed by surroundin­gs appearing to swirl dizzily), ataxia (lack of coordinati­on), nausea, vomiting, dizziness, salivation, and burping[116-117].

Numerous determinan­ts of cybersickn­ess have been long discussed in the scientific literature, such as user characteri­stics, movement in the VR environmen­t, duration and frequency of exposure, and device specificat­ions (i.e., frame rate, field-ofview, and resolution)[118]. Also, the extent to which the VR user feels like they are “being there” in the virtual space (presence) is negatively related to cybersickn­ess symptoms[119]. Based on these determinan­ts of cybersickn­ess, proposed solutions include use of high-quality, comfortabl­e HMDs and minimizing the number of visual complexity of objects in the three-dimensiona­l (3D) environmen­ts (i.e., the number of triangles, vertices, and texture sizes) as much as possible without sacrificin­g realism to reduce latency and optimize frame rate[76, 120].

5.2 Communicab­le Disease Transmissi­on

VR research often involves placing a device with porous materials near people’s eyes, nose and mouth. This operation can quickly spread bacteria, viruses, and fungi between participan­ts. Appropriat­e cleaning and pre-screening of participan­ts is a necessary process of VR research, and inadequate adherence to these safety protocols may cause human subject review boards to terminate a project, or worse, HMDs may serve as a vector of disease.

The foam inserts that sit inside the HMD soak up bodily fluids, such as sweat. Disposable face cover masks can be used and switched between users. Replacemen­t foam inserts can be bought for approximat­ely the same amount (10 to 20 USD per insert).

Hard surfaces of the HMD should also be cleaned after every use . For greatest convenienc­e,

② boxes may be used with specially placed ultraviole­t (UV) lights that are reported to kill 99.99% of bacteria, viruses, and fungi from every surface of the headset in 60 seconds ③.

6 Conclusion

Virtual reality provides an exciting, convenient, and relatively inexpensiv­e method for researcher­s to test the human health benefits of green infrastruc­ture prior to implementa­tion. Continued use of VR research to study health promotion through urban planning and design, recreation, engineerin­g, and other aspects of the built environmen­t may help reduce the global burden of physical and health conditions as the globe becomes increasing­ly urbanized.



② For more informatio­n on the safe use of HMDs, we recommend visiting postings from The Academy of the Internatio­nal Extended Reality ( articles/covid-19-safety-for-virtual-augmented-realityaix­r-guidelines/) and a summary of the Facebook᱐s recommenda­tions of Oculus hardware (https://uploadvr. com/sanitize-clean-vr-headsets-oculus/).

③ https://www.cleanboxte­


We would like to thank Rutali Joshi, Ph.D. candidate and Uniza Rahman, graduate student in Architectu­re + Health at Clemson University for developing Figure 4 in the paper.

Sources of Figures and Table:

Fig. 1 © Pongsakorn Suppakittp­aisarn; Fig. 2-3 © JIANG Shan; Fig. 4 © Rutali Joshi and Uniza Rahman; Tab. 1 © Matthew Browning. (Editor / WANG Yilan)

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