The World of Chinese


- 《(卖杂货》)《(秋丽采

Eastern Guangdong province

Only one profession­al troupe in Zijin county, Guangdong province, which calls itself “the only troupe in the world (天下一团)”

Hakka dialect

The use of fans and handkerchi­efs in Huachao opera gives it the nickname of “Guangdong’s errenzhuan” after the well-known vaudeville performanc­e of northeaste­rn China. The humorous and grassroots opera evolved from religious rituals in Zijin county in the Ming (1368 – 1644) and Qing (1616 – 1911) dynasties to expel disease, before changing to focus on folk stories that appeal to a broader audience. Common themes in Huachao opera are kindness, loyalty, and matrimonia­l freedom.

Qiuli Picking Flowers Selling General Goods

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