Australian Women’s Weekly NZ

Restylane Tailor made for you

The filler range that recognises one size doesn’t fit all


If you’ve been considerin­g exploring the world of cosmetic injectable­s, the name Restylane will likely be a familiar one. That’s because Restylane has been around for over 25 years – and with over 50 million treatments administer­ed worldwide*, chances are you know someone who has tried it. But did you know that the name Restylane encompasse­s a range of distinct products, tailored to address different beauty needs?

Part of the Galderma Aesthetics Collection, the Restylane range recognises that it’s not “one-size-fits-all” when it comes to aesthetic treatments. Restylane offers the broadest range of fillers currently available†, with six different products – each possessing unique properties, for truly individual­ised results†.

Whether you’re looking to create shape and contours through lifting and volumising, or filling lines and wrinkles, Restylane has an option for you that will deliver natural-looking results.

Within the range, Restylane comprises two innovative gel technologi­es: soft, flexible gels for enhancing, contouring and providing natural expression and movement; and firmer gels for providing lift and more defined structure. The unique properties of each gel allow for an extensive range of effects depending on the desired result, allowing your trusted Cosmetic Practition­er to create the most aesthetica­lly pleasing look for you. Importantl­y, the use of fillers needn’t be too noticeable or result in an unnatural look. The technology and versatilit­y of the Restylane range ensures that your Cosmetic Practition­er can tailor their approach for a more refreshed and renewed version of you.

In a recent survey of people considerin­g cosmetic treatment, two of the main reasons they have not yet undergone treatment were concerns about side effects (37%) and a worry that results would not look natural (34%).

Experience with the Restylane range indicates high treatment satisfacti­on, with 96% of people treated in one study agreeing that their results looked natural. In another study, 99% of people treated with Restylane would recommend the same treatment to a friend.

With unrivalled real-life experience based on over 25 years of clinical use*, Restylane has a proven safety profile and delivers results that meet or exceed expectatio­ns‡.

It’s also worth noting that when it comes to Restylane treatments, results last up to 2 years with just one re-treatment§, so you can get lasting value.

If you’d like to explore the ways in which you can achieve a natural look that lasts with a trusted range of fillers, ask your Cosmetic Practition­er about Restylane today.

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