
Shrub Syrup


A shrub syrup is a good oldfashion­ed method of combating wastage. By steeping slightly soft fruits or wilting herbs in vinegar and turning into syrup, you’ll not only give produce a second life, but you’ll have a delicious cocktail or soda syrup to sip as a result.


2-3 cups fruit or herbs of choice, roughly chopped

750ml white vinegar

½ cup raw sugar


Place fruits and herbs in a sterilised 1-litre capacity jar and muddle gently to release juice. Bring vinegar to the boil in a medium-sized saucepan. When boiling, remove from heat and pour over fruits in jar. Once cool, wipe the rim of the jar and seal. Leave to infuse from 24 hours to four weeks. Once the shrub has reached the desired flavour, strain the fruit from the vinegar through a sieve or a cheese cloth into a medium-sized saucepan. The soaked fruit can be kept for pickling and chutneys.

Add the raw sugar to the pan with the fruit-infused vinegar and gently bring to a simmer, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and taste – it should be tart, but pleasantly so, with a fruity flavour.


IDEAS: rhubarb and rosemary, beetroot and orange, citrus and black peppercorn.

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