220 Triathlon



I wanted to share with you what a brilliant event the Vitruvian middle-distance at Rutland Water was this year. It may have bucketed with rain all day (it started from when we pulled up in the car at 5:20am and literally did not stop!), but my dad and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Though I can’t say the same for my mum, husband and six-month-old daughter who were absolutely drenched!

The organisati­on of the event was second to none, the price was reasonable and not only did we get a finisher’s t-shirt and medal, but also a hoodie when we registered! Not that I only do it for the freebies, of course…

The swim course was great, especially with the wave starts. The bike course was lovely and fast and, rather rarely for England, the roads were in very good condition. The run course was also fairly fast; I think the Jaffa cakes at the aid stations helped me go a little quicker!

I’m so lucky to compete in these events with my dad, especially after having my daughter six months ago (I think breast feeding within 20mins of finishing is probably a rare sight at a triathlon!). I’d be totally lost without the unwavering support from my mum and husband too, who were amazing on the day and the best babysitter­s during my training! I also have to say that the volunteers and supporters on the day were incredible – to stay upbeat in that kind of weather is nothing short of a miracle.

And thanks for your brilliant magazine – it has definitely helped get me to back on track since giving birth!

 ??  ?? Emma and dad Nigel celebrate after completing this year’s Vitruvian
Emma and dad Nigel celebrate after completing this year’s Vitruvian

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