


Future diesels “We believe they will continue to sell. First, they’re clean. Second, we need them to meet CO2 targets. Third, they suit a lot of customers. So we will go on promoting diesels, although perhaps not for the smallest models. We will invest in a new diesel generation, too, in about 2019 or 2020.”

Autonomous cars “My view is the first step will not involve you and me. It will be for taxis and parcel delivery in urban areas, where speeds are low and the driver is the most expensive part. Years later, when systems are developed and the cars can go faster, they will go into the mass market.”

VW’S mid-term prospects “Our past success has been based on our product portfolio, and this is the answer for the future. We have a huge array of very attractive products, and our concepts show the way for the next five years or so. I am convinced we will be successful if we do our homework well.”

The impact of fines on VW’S finances “Does $20 billion for the US have an impact? Of course it does. I would like to have that money in my pocket now, but I don’t. Neverthele­ss, VW is a very robust company and can finance all of its new projects.”

Joining the ‘good guys’ again “Things are moving, but not fast enough. We can’t estimate when it will be over. There are justice issues that continue, and they could take years to be resolved, maybe as many as 10. Will it be possible to win confidence back with the justice issues ongoing? It’s impossible to say.”

Brexit “I have no opinions on this, although I am definitely a European. The British should do what they want.”

Retirement “I will retire in three years, after five years leading the group. I hope by then we will have won back the confidence of our customers and the authoritie­s, and that the group is well prepared for the next 10 years.”

His successor “I want to leave things so my successor shouldn’t need to change everything but be able to proceed with the decisions we are making now.”

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