
Nissan Juke

Lessons from two lockdown drives



To see if the Juke can continue to hold its own in a crowded compact SUV market

You’ll be glad to hear that the Juke has been parked up outside my house almost exclusivel­y since this horrible crisis came into play. Which prompts the question: how much can you learn about a car in two short trips?

The first was to Tesco. I’d put it off for a month but, with no chance of getting a delivery slot and with others far more in need of them, I braved the excursion on a Saturday morning. Firstly, it was just bloody satisfying to be back behind the wheel of a car. True, one might have picked something else to drive as a special treat but, all the same, the Juke is a great urban getaround, making manoeuvrin­g easy, especially in a chaotic supermarke­t car park.

The second journey was a stranger story. On my front porch arrived a large box of delicious-looking fruit and veg that I hadn’t ordered. I messaged the only number on the delivery note and, after some chasing, establishe­d that the intended receiver already had a veg box.

It felt greedy to keep it so I contacted a local Facebook group to see if anyone was in more need. In and around Twickenham right now, there’s a wonderful initiative where neighbourh­ood co-ordinators direct goods to those who need them. Ours told me of someone called Lucy who was unwell and unable to leave her flat. Lucy wanted the veg and so I ventured on a short car ride to drop it off.

My Juke’s boot is still, shamefully, full of detritus from clearing out my nan’s house weeks ago, so the box had to go on the rear seats. Despite the many speed bumps and road surfaces in need of attention, concerns about the contents of the box on the move were nil, showcasing the Juke’s excellent ride stability.

 ??  ?? Burgess transporte­d a windfall of fruit and veg to a person in need
Burgess transporte­d a windfall of fruit and veg to a person in need

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