


NAWA TECHNOLOGI­ES has been showing how versatile its carbon nanotube technology is for, ironically, reducing carbon emissions. Its latest use of the technology, called Nawastitch, is a method of strengthen­ing traditiona­l carbonfibr­e to achieve a 900% increase in impact damage resistance while cutting weight by 20-30%. Already in commercial use in sports bicycle wheel rims, the material is also aimed at producing tougher, lighter EV battery casings and hydrogen storage tanks for fuel cell vehicles. It can also be used inside fuel cells to improve performanc­e and increase lifespan.

As well as cutting weight, the plan is to use the electrical conductivi­ty of the material to turn casings into an integral heating element, helping to reduce the complexity of battery thermal management systems. In addition to being a lightweigh­t strengthen­ing material, nanotubes make a good basis for the anode of lithium ion and other battery chemistrie­s.

Nanotubes are known as vertical aligned carbon nanotubes, or VACNT for short. They are grown on a thin underlying layer (substrate), reach a height of between five and 100 microns (a micron being one-millionth of a metre) and resemble a moleculars­cale forest of around 100 billion tubes per square centimetre.

Carbonfibr­e components consist of layers of woven carbonfibr­e fabric laminated together in layers using resin. A weakness is when the resin breaks due to impact damage or vibration and cracks form across those layers. Adding a layer of Nawastitch between the layers of carbonfibr­e mat ties them together and that’s where the extra strength comes from. In practice, the nanotube layer is a thin film that can be handled in the same way as carbonfibr­e mat during manufactur­ing of components. Because it’s so thin, its weight is insignific­ant but it reduces the amount of carbonfibr­e and resin needed while also increasing the strength.

The material is being developed to replace the aluminium base and plastic superstruc­ture of EV battery casings to make them stronger but lighter. Because the tubes are aligned vertically, there’s an electrical resistance across them horizontal­ly, so if a current is passed through them, the material becomes a heating element. The aim is to use that property to help manage battery temperatur­e and potentiall­y improve the range of EVS.

Nawastitch is also being used to make lighter and stronger compressed hydrogen storage tanks for fuel cell and hydrogen ICE vehicles. Tanks are at the lab testing stage now and are expected to be available to customers in 2024. Nawa is also developing the use of its VACNT technology in hydrogen fuel cells as a base for the platinum catalyst material. The nanotubes lock the particles in position, preventing them clumping together over time, increasing the power and also the life of fuel cells by a factor of five.

 ?? ?? Nawastitch unleashes more of the potential of carbonfibr­e
Nawastitch unleashes more of the potential of carbonfibr­e

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