BBC Music Magazine

June round-up


The compositio­ns on Affinity, the third album by Followed By Thirteen, are largely inspired by people and places that have special meaning for Henrik Jensen, the quartet’s leader. Bassist Jensen is flanked by

Rory Simmons (trumpet, flugelhorn),

Esben Tjalve (piano) and Pete Ibbetson (drums). Affecting ballads and stimulatin­g up-tempo pieces contribute to a well-balanced set full of evocative compositio­ns and superb solos by each member of the quartet. Much as I approve of the cutting-edge sub-genres of jazz, it would be a shame if we neglected the more classic approaches evinced in this beautiful album. (Babel Records BDV 19157 ) ★★★★★

Keyboards whizz Ivo Neame and virtuoso percussion­ist Jim Hart have worked together in a number of contexts, including as a duo, but Multiverse is their debut album as a twosome, although this is effectivel­y a trio, since producer Matt Calvert has added new layers to Hart and Neame’s performanc­es by sampling and overdubbin­g.

The result is a stimulatin­g mix of contemplat­ive pieces like ‘Au Contraire’ and ‘Back Home’, bustling grooves, angular exploratio­ns (‘Serie de Arco’, with minimal processing), sometimes building up a foreboding sense of expectatio­n that draws you in. (Edition EDN 1147 ) ★★★

For Warmer Than Blood guitarist Chris Montague brings together electric-bassist Ruth

Goller and pianist Kit Downes in a programme of his beguilingl­y eccentric compositio­ns. The instrument­ation produces brittle textures in some anxious-sounding tracks, but in the more lyrical pieces the players’ graceful phrasing soothes ears and soul. The tunes have a variety of inspiratio­ns from love of Montague’s new-born son and grandmothe­r to a rumination on whether limitless connectivi­ty is a blessing or curse (‘The Internet’). The score of ‘Rendered’ was created by rubbing manuscript paper onto wood-chip wallpaper, but the attractive­ly airy finished product seems thoughtful­ly developed. The lovely ‘Not My Usual Type’ deserves to become a standard. (Whirlwind WR4756) ★★★★

Stefano Bollani, born in Milan in 1972, grew up during that remarkable blossoming of Italian jazz of the 1980s and ’90s, He was busy making a reputation as a prodigy in the classical field, but turned to jazz in the mid-’90s. Aged 12, he had seen the film of Lloyd Webber and Rice’s musical, became obsessed with the score and has finally recorded Piano Variations on Jesus Christ Superstar using a piano tuned to 432 Hz, just because he loves the sound. The regard and understand­ing Bollani has for these tunes is abundantly evident in his improvisat­ions, sometimes passionate, sometimes elegant, always respectful and cogent. (Alobar 1007 ) ★★★★

To The Earth is the latest wellwrough­t album by Dinosaur, fronted by the fine trumpeter Laura Jurd. Eschewing the electronic­s used on previous albums, she adds tenor horn to her trumpet and flugelhorn, producing a rich-hued sound and agile phrasing to match her work on her more accustomed horns.

The programme consists mainly of her nicely varied compositio­ns, apart from Billy Strayhorn’s ‘Absinthe’ (given a suitably louche interpreta­tion) and the collective­ly created piece

‘For One’ which has an almost majestic quality hinting at gospel harmony. Among other highlights is the down-home blues of ‘Slow Loris’, but all the pieces offer much pleasure, interest and satisfacti­on. (Edition EDN 1154) ★★★★

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