BBC Music Magazine

Crossword and Quiz


Say bonjour to this month’s whistle-stop tour de France

1. Who, in 1872, composed incidental music for Alphonse Daudet’s play L’arlésienne

(‘The girl from Arles’)?

2. Including the much-loved ‘Baïlèro’, Chants d’auvergne (‘Songs of the Auvergne’) is a collection of folksongs arranged for soprano and piano or orchestra by whom?

3. Enrico di Borgogna (‘Henry of Burgundy’; 1818), L’assedio di Calais (‘The siege of Calais’, 1836) and Linda di Chamounix (‘Linda of Chamonix’, 1842) are all operas composed by whom?

4. Which English composer, who lived in Paris at the end of the

19th century and then in nearby Grez-sur-loing, paid homage to the former with his symphonic poem Paris: The Song of a Great City?

5. Puccini’s opera Il Tabarro is set on a barge on which French river?

6. The premiere of which composer’s opera The Maid of Orleans was given at St Petersburg’s Mariinsky Theatre on 25 Feb 1881? 7. A despatch rider in WWII, which French composer was killed at the Battle of Saumur and posthumous­ly awarded the Croix de Guerre?

8. Of which French orchestras have these conductors served as music director: a) Daniel Harding (201619); b) Leonard Slatkin (2011-17); c) Tugan Sokhiev (2008 – present)? 9. The French composer pictured above was fatally injured in a bicycle accident in 1899. Who is he? 10. Written in 1792, Rouget de Lisle’s morale-boosting Chant de guerre pour l’armée du Rhin (‘War Song for the Army of the Rhine’) became better known by what name?

See p94 for answers

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