BBC Music Magazine

Sound bites


Vaccine in C major

When Yo-yo Ma went to receive his second COVID-19 vaccine, he brought his cello with him to give his fellow jabbees a little musical lift as they waited in line. Once he’d had his own dose administer­ed at the Berkshire Community College in Massachuse­tts, the mask-wearing Ma stuck around to play a 15-minute recital of works by JS Bach and Schubert, much to the delight of his impromptu audience.

Instrument­al player

The Premier League footballer Wilfried Zaha has called for all schoolchil­dren in the UK to be provided with a free musical instrument and lessons as part of the country’s road to recovery from the aftermath of the COVID19 pandemic. ‘Music can bring so much joy to so many,’ the Crystal Palace star told

The Times, ‘and enabling more children to have access to instrument­s and teaching can only benefit them.’

Latest score

A previously unknown piano piece by Engelbert Humperdinc­k has been discovered in Germany. The score for Erinnerung, which the composer wrote in 1871 when he was 17, was found lurking in a poetry book once owned by his sister Ernestine that was recently bought at auction by journalist

Kai Diekmann. The pleasantly surprised hack says that the discovery has made his purchase something of a bargain.

Dancing squirrel

Conductor John Andrews has launched a new company with the specific aim of championin­g underperfo­rmed operas. Called Red Squirrel, the company’s first outing will be Malcolm Arnold’s 1952 comedy The Dancing Master, to be staged at this year’s Buxton Internatio­nal Festival. As visitors to p32 will discover, it is an opera with which Andrews has already enjoyed great success.

 ??  ?? Yo-yo Mask: the cellist plays a post-jab recital
Yo-yo Mask: the cellist plays a post-jab recital

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