BBC Music Magazine

Rising Stars

Three to look out for…


Ren te Stivri a Composer

Born: Daugavpils, Latvia Career highlight:

The premiere of my song cycle Seven Moments at the Cross with the State Choir Latvia under the conductor M ris Sirmais. I was once lucky enough to sing in his youth choir, which gave me a brilliant education.

Musical hero: Pianist Hélène Grimaud has such respect for the sensitivit­ies of musical timbre, while soprano Julia Lezhneva is intelligen­t and humble, with an incredible freedom to her voice.

Dream concert: I’d love to give a recital on the Cavaillé-coll organ in Warrington with the BBC Symphony Orchestra. And as a former dancer myself, I’d love to compose for contempora­ry ballet.

Ji Su Jung Percussion­ist

Born: Cheong ju,

South Korea

Career highlight:

About 15 years ago, I gave a concert at a juvenile centre in South Korea. Seeing their faces light up and sharing the joy of music was something I’ll never forget. Musical hero: Antonia Brico, the first woman to conduct the Berlin Philharmon­ic, fought to break down barriers for women in music. Her unrelentin­g ability never to back down in the face of challengin­g circumstan­ces is inspiring.

Dream concert: A benefit concert for music students facing financial challenges. It’s my dream to have a foundation that gives guidance and direction to young musicians. Nuala Mckenna Cellist

Born: Kappeln, Germany Career highlight: Recording Solo, my debut album of works by Britten, Ligeti and Kodály. It’s a culminatio­n of my process of connecting with solo repertoire, for which I’ve developed a deep love.

Musical hero: I admire violinist Isabelle Faust for her artistic outlook and her varied, sensitive interpreta­tions and profound interest in a broad range of repertoire.

Dream concert: I remember listening to Debussy’s La mer for the first time in a dark campervan with my parents as a child, so

I’d love to play a solo concert in complete darkness allowing the audience a heightened experience of the sound.

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