BBC Music Magazine


We reveal who’s recording what and where...


Pianist Tom Poster and violinist Elena Urioste’s ‘Uriposteju­kebox’ project was one of the highlights of the 2020 lockdown. Now the RPS Award-winning pair have taken it to the studio for an Orchid Classics album, set to be released in September. The sessions took place in February at the Menuhin School and saw them record pieces by Huw Watkins, Cheryl Frances-hoad, Cole Porter and Jesse Montgomery among others.

Onyx Classics has enjoyed a run of recording dates in recent months, with sessions in Moscow and Berlin. The latter’s Teldex Studio was the location for a new album project by Chen Reiss. The soprano recorded items by Stravinsky, Copland, Takemitsu, Craig Urquhart and Avner Dorman for her American Landscapes album, scheduled for release in October.

The Hidden Notes Festival, which emerged in 2019 with a focus on new music, has launched its own label. Its debut release, Inkling, features the innovative quartet Spindle Ensemble and is out on 27 May. If the line-up for the 2021 festival is anything to go by (violinist Daniel Pioro, composer Jonny Greenwood and more), there’s a bright future ahead for the label.

Deutsche Grammophon has signed 31-year-old South Korean violinst Bomsori Kim, already a superstar in her own country. Violin on Stage features works written for and inspired by opera and ballet, and was recorded in Poland with Giancarlo Guerrero and the Wroc aw Philharmon­ic. DG will release the recording in June.

T Cerdd (Music Centre Wales) has been busy preparing a slate of releases featuring prominent Welsh musicians. Next month sees the release of Taliesin’s Song Book,a collection of 20th- and 21st-century songs, with performanc­es by sopranos Natalya Romaniw and Elin Manahan Thomas.

 ??  ?? Jukebox journey: Elena Urioste and Tom Poster
Jukebox journey: Elena Urioste and Tom Poster

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