BBC Music Magazine

Buried treasure


Violinist Hideko Udagawa introduces favourite rarities from her collection

Conus Violin Concerto in E minor

Jascha Heifetz (violin); RCA Victor Symphony Orchestra/izler Solomon RCA GD60927

I’ve been attracted to this concerto ever since I first heard Heifetz’s glorious 1952 recording about 15 years ago. I went on to learn it myself and I enjoy playing it very much. It’s not very much known outside of Russia, which is a pity. Because the composer was a violinist it fits the instrument very well, so it might sound more difficult than it is, but it’s a very Romantic and passionate work.

Zar bski Piano Quintet in G minor

W adys aw Szpilman (piano);

Warsaw Quintet Muza XL 0178 Zarebski had quite a short life – he died when he was 31; so it’s perhaps not surprising that he’s not very well known. This is a very special work and I was immediatel­y taken by this performanc­e. It was recorded in Poland and there’s so much colour and lyrical excitement in it. I’ve had this on LP for a long time; there is at least one modern recording of it, but this is the version I prefer.

Bortkiewic­z Piano Concerto No. 1

Stephen Coombs (piano); BBC

Scottish Symphony Orchestra/jerzy Maksymiuk Hyperion CDA66624

I got to know this piece thanks to the impressive Hyperion piano concerto series, which I’ve followed for a long time. It’s a great concerto, very well written with beautiful themes. There’s a very good balance between orchestra and piano too, and it’s surprising that it’s not played more often. Bortkiewic­z was a pupil of Lyadov at the St Petersburg Conservato­ire; he lived in Berlin and Vienna, then returned to Russia before he died. His Second Concerto is also very enjoyable.

Hideko Udagawa’s new album ‘Nostalgic Russia’ is out now on Northern Flowers

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