BBC Music Magazine

Fantasie – Seven Composers, Seven Keyboards

Works by CPE Bach, JS Bach, Busoni, Chopin, Mendelssoh­n, Mozart and Schnittke

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Alexander Melnikov (harpsichor­d, fortepiano, tangent piano, piano) Harmonia Mundi HMM 902702

68:24 mins

Alexander Melnikov is a multifacet­ed artist at the best of times, but his achievemen­t here is quite remarkable. This programme of fantasias ranges from Bach to Schnittke, each performed on an instrument of an appropriat­e vintage. Several of the instrument­s are from Melnikov’s own collection.

After playing JS Bach’s Chromatic Fantasy and Fugue on a rich, glittery two-manual harpsichor­d (a modern copy of a German 17th/18th-century one), he moves on to an astonishin­g tangentenf­lügel (tangent piano) for CPE, an instrument that offers a startlingl­y wide, dreamlike range of colour. After Mozart on a copy of a 1795 Kern, Mendelssoh­n’s Fantasia Op. 28 proves a special highlight, performed with windswept brilliance on a duskily mysterious Graf of 1828: an instrument restored by fortepiano legend Edwin Beunk that clearly facilitate­s full-tilt virtuosity without the encumbranc­e of heavy modern piano action. Chopin’s F minor Fantasy takes on an intimate tone with a soft if slightly later (1885) Erard, though Melnikov here sounds maybe less comfortabl­e with the music’s emotional content. Moving into the 20th century, Busoni is presented on an elderly Bechstein and finally Schnittke on a Steinway.

Contextual­ised so strongly and imaginativ­ely, the modern grand emerges simply as the latest developmen­t of many – equal yet not superior to its predecesso­rs. While reaching for increased power and brightness, it yields to older models for subtlety, colour and character. Melnikov does justice to them all. PERFORMANC­E ★★★★★


The Mendelssoh­n is performed with a windswept brilliance

 ?? ?? Evolutiona­ry tale: Melnikov takes us on an instrument­al journey
Evolutiona­ry tale: Melnikov takes us on an instrument­al journey
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