Food and Travel (UK)

Food glossary


Thank goodness many Japanese eating houses have pictures (or models) of menu items to guide diners. The following list covers things you are bound to come across during a stay in Okinawa.

Abura miso Minced-pork-and-miso seasoning for rice

Agu Pork from the black Okinawan pig

Awamori Rice spirit

Beni-imo Purple sweet potato

Bukubuku Cold foamy beverage of jasmine tea and cooked brown rice Champuru Okinawan stir-fry with egg and tofu

Goya Bitter gourd

Iakyo Scallions, similar to Welsh onions

Ingana, handaba, kandaba and ichoba Types of leaf vegetable Jimami tofu Made with peanuts

Koji Mould used for making miso and awamori

Mozuko Type of spaghetti seaweed

Nankotsu Braised spare rib with softened cartilage

Sata andagi Doughnuts made with egg yolk. Those with black sugar are the best-tasting

Shikuwasa (Citrus depressa) Fruit, juice and culinary ingredient Tofuyo Aged tofu marinated in awamori and red koji

Udon Thick soba noodles made from wheat rather than the

Japanese buckwheat

Umi budo (sea grape) A kind of seaweed

Yakiniku Barbecued beef

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