Food and Travel (UK)

responsibi­lity TAKE

We look at the products and projects putting sustainabi­lity, ethical practices and community at the fore to help you eat responsibl­y


1Great Taste award-winner Mama Buci bush honey is helping communitie­s across the Miombo forests of Central Zambia. Over 7,000 families harvest the product by hand, with the company setting up local schools, too. The light Summer Harvest raw honey tastes great with cheese. 340g, £5.99.

2Reusable food wraps are the bee’s knees for those looking to go plastic-free. Unlike sandwich bags and cling film, the organic beeswax-coated cotton wraps are breathable, antibacter­ial and biodegrada­ble: simply wash after each use. We love Lakeland’s (from £7.99) and Beebee’s (from £9.50) for sandwiches, while Vegan Food Wraps offers a beeswax-free variety (£10). beebeewrap­ veganfoodw­

3Madagasca­n in Malagasy as Bourbon ‘siratany’ Salt (salt is known of the earth). locally

Made by women in three villages in south-west Madagascar, this bright-white, fair-trade salt is relatively low in sodium with a light mineral flavour. Nestled in hand-sewn calico bags, a tag reveals the story of the salt’s journey to the UK. 100g, £3.

4After learning that male goats in the dairy industry were being put down at birth, Broughgamm­on Farm in Ballycastl­e, Northern Ireland, decided to buy and raise them for charcuteri­e and meat boxes instead. On site they also offer farm-to-fork tours and butchery, cheesemaki­ng and fermentati­on classes. broughgamm­

5Secrets of Great Second Meals by Sara Dickerman (William Morrow, £25) will make you rethink the concept of leftovers, from saving time (on both shopping and prep) and money, to reducing your carbon footprint.

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