Men's Fitness


Use the seated Zottman curl to build bricks for biceps


First lesson: it’s spelled biceps, plural, not bicep. Second lesson: that means you need to target two different muscles for well-rounded, sleeve-filling arm developmen­t. Switching up your grip during a simple biceps curl will tick both boxes.

“This move targets the biceps brachii during the concentric (lifting) part of the move, boosting the peak of your arm,” says fitness model and trainer Shaun Stafford (pictured), “while the rotation and eccentric control on the way down switches the focus to the brachialis muscle, adding thickness to your arm. It can be taxing on your nervous system, so get it in early in your workout before you start to fatigue.”

 ?? ?? 1. Sit upright on a bench, holding dumbbells by your sides with palms facing forward. Curl the dumbbells up to chest height, keeping your elbows tucked in close to your sides. 2. Squeeze your biceps hard, then rotate the weights 90 degrees so they’re parallel to each other in a hammer grip. Slowly lower the dumbbells to the start and rotate your palms forward, ready for the next rep.
1. Sit upright on a bench, holding dumbbells by your sides with palms facing forward. Curl the dumbbells up to chest height, keeping your elbows tucked in close to your sides. 2. Squeeze your biceps hard, then rotate the weights 90 degrees so they’re parallel to each other in a hammer grip. Slowly lower the dumbbells to the start and rotate your palms forward, ready for the next rep.

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