Men's Fitness



If you’re finding it hard to stick to your 2022 health resolution, don’t panic: researcher­s have found that dropping it may be a natural and positive step. By investigat­ing why people drop their New Year fitness goals, the scientists were trying to analyse the theoretica­l conflict between the two ‘selves’ within each of us: the ‘planner’ who stays firmly in charge of self-control, and the ‘doer’ who reacts spontaneou­sly to the temptation­s of the moment. The usual suggestion is that people want to suppress their spontaneou­s self and get more organised, which takes a lot of conscious effort. But the researcher­s found that most people actually enjoy their own spontaneit­y as much as they enjoy their self-control, so they feel happy to adopt a mix of the two approaches.

In the research, which was published in Behavioura­l Public Policy, most participan­ts thought it was good to make long-term plans, but also to enjoy spontaneou­s treats along the way. It wasn’t seen as a conflict, more a question of balance. This suggests it may be more natural to embrace both tactics, rather than spend every day trying to stay in control. Yes, being spontaneou­s may cause you to eat that cake, but it could also cause you to go for a spur-of-the-moment morning jog, or to try a new class at the gym. Mixing good planning with a sprinkle of spontaneit­y seems to be the best psychologi­cal route to success.

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