Period Living

RICOTTA AND GREEN HERB TORTA Torta usually means cake in Italy, but in the Lunigiana and Liguria regions a torta is a filled savoury pie containing greens, or vegetables, and cheese, which can be served either as an appetizer or as a main course. They are





● 500g plain flour (Italian 00 if possible)

● 1–2 tsp fine sea salt

● 4 tbsp extra virgin

● Olive oil, plus extra to drizzle

● 150ml warm water


● 500g mixed greens

● 30g unsalted butter

● ½ onion, very finely chopped

● 200g ricotta, soft goats’ cheese or cream cheese

● 140g grated Parmesan

● 2 tsp plain flour

● 2 tbsp chopped fresh marjoram

● 3 large eggs, beaten

● Salt and freshly ground black pepper

● A 30cm loose-based baking pan, 2.5 cm deep, lightly oiled

Preheat the oven to 190°C/ 375°F/gas 5.

1. To make the pastry, put the flour in a large mixing bowl and make a well in the middle with your fist. Add the salt and the olive oil, then pour in 150ml of warm water, a little at a time (you may not need it all). Mix to form a soft dough, then use your hands to bring it together, kneading it gently into a ball for about two minutes – just long enough to become smooth to the touch – this is totally different to normal pastry.

Seal the dough in a plastic bag and leave to rest for one hour at room temperatur­e.

2. Wash the greens and remove any tough stems. While still wet, steam the greens using only the water that clings to their leaves. Squeeze them dry and chop coarsely.

3. Melt the butter in a small saucepan set over medium heat, add the onion and cook until soft and translucen­t. Stir in the chopped greens and cook for 2–3 minutes to heat through and coat with the butter. Remove the pan from the heat, leave to cool, then transfer the onion and greens to a large mixing bowl and beat in the ricotta, Parmesan, flour, marjoram, eggs, salt and plenty of black pepper.

4. Once the pastry dough has rested, cut it into two pieces – one slightly larger than the other – and roll each piece out as thinly as you can on a lightly floured surface. Use the larger piece to line the pan, making sure that the pastry overhangs the edges. 5. Fill the lined pan with the cheese and greens mix, then cover with the remaining sheet of pastry. Press the edges together and trim off the excess dough. Crimp or turn the edges inwards in a rope fashion to seal the pie – it should look quite rustic. Make a couple of long slits in the top with a sharp knife. Drizzle a little olive oil on top of the crust and bake in the preheated oven for 40 minutes or until the crust is set and golden. Serve warm or at room temperatur­e.

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