Psychologies (UK)



Fran* is the mother of three teenagers who works alongside her husband in a family business that takes a lot of time and energy. She hired Barefoot-trained coach Amy Sinacola so she could feel calmer, more confident and have the strength and motivation to look after herself more.

I worked out what I wanted to do and I did it!

I realised I had spent 20 years looking after everyone else and had forgotten about myself. Amy helped me figure out what was important to me. I yearned to paint again but starting was daunting. Amy helped me believe in myself and I am now taking commission­s for pet portraits!

I learned how to communicat­e my needs to my family.

I am often the one who sorts out everything and keeps everyone going, or at least that’s how it felt. Learning to let go of some of that control was freeing. Working out what my needs are, how to express them and how to get them met has been so helpful.

I feel less anxious and more confident.

My perspectiv­e has changed. I feel more relaxed and accepting of myself and others. Since coaching, I am calmer under pressure and ready to face any challenge as a mother and business owner. I know I am doing my best and that is good enough! I know myself again and am comfortabl­e with who I am.


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