Psychologies (UK)

Knowledge, breath and action

Three steps towards understand­ing how anxiety manifests in your body and how to alleviate the physical symptoms


Become aware. Being conscious of how anxiety presents in your body helps you understand when you have been triggered. Often, your body can tell you about your anxiety before your mind. Where do you experience anxiety physically? Has your breath or heart rate quickened? People often notice anxiety in their chest as the body pumps blood to the heart to prepare for fight or flight.

Try this breathing exercise: Inhale for a count of four and exhale passively for a count of six. Taking time to breathe has an instant impact on our nervous system and brings us back to a state where we can be in the present and reflect on the cause of our anxiety.

Get moving. Try swimming, dancing or yoga. When we move our bodies, our brains create natural serotonin, the same chemical found in most antidepres­sants. Building up a natural resource of serotonin can make a sizeable difference to your mental health and resilience in the long term.

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