Psychologies (UK)

FIRE LOG POSE Agnistambh­asana

Discover the unique holistic health benefits of each asana


This pose delivers an intense stretch for the outer hips, particular­ly the piriformis muscle, which attaches the pelvis to the femur, or thigh bone, and is often the cause of sciatic pain.

Sit on the floor in a cross-legged position. Slide your right leg out in front of you and bend your left leg so your foot is positioned in front of your right sitting bone, and your left shin is almost parallel with the side of your mat.

Bend your right knee and pick up your right foot, placing it on top of your left knee, so your right shin also runs almost parallel with the side of your mat.

Keep both your feet flexed and active to protect your knees. Reach forward with your fingers to intensify the stretch.

Stay for 30 seconds, building up to two or three minutes, then switch sides.

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