Psychologies (UK)


Desri Goodwin, nutritioni­st and life coach at Haven on Earth


‘I have withdrawn into my home or another space many times to heal or find acceptance of situations. One of my most memorable was when I stayed in a teepee in Wales for three weeks with my husband. It was early summer, so mornings and evenings were cool, and there was a wood burner inside that I watched as I snuggled down to sleep. I felt the pull of my Welsh roots and a definite homing instinct. I heard no news, used no social media, interacted very little with people and found an incredible, profound and blissful peace.

‘On the way there, I had been drawn to a craft shop and was tempted by piles of coloured fleece, which inspired me to work on a tapestry. When I started, my stitching was chaotic – different directions and tensions. After five days of picking it up and putting it down as I wished, it became uniform, calm and smooth – just like my mind. That, for me, is aestivatio­n, It is healing and nurturing. I find it essential in times of need, and as indulgent as a holiday.’

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