The Mail on Sunday


- Got a problem in your plot? Email Martyn Cox at

Q A shrub is growing in my garden that produces beautiful bell-shaped white flowers in spring and has young leaves that start red, before turning pink and cream, and then green. What is it and can I take cuttings?

Tom Beckett

A The plant in the photograph A you sent to me is Pieris ‘Forest Flame’, an evergreen shrub that prefers acidic soil. You can propagate it from 4-6in long, semi-ripe cuttings in late summer.

Q I have a ten-year-old, 4ft-tall oleander that has never bloomed. Is there a reason for this?

Nigel Fortnam

A Oleander (Nerium oleander) likes a light spot and is unlikely to flower if it is in any kind of shade. Also, overfeedin­g can result in lots of leafy growth at the

expense of flowers. In my experience, plants tend to do better if you don’t feed them at all. Overwateri­ng and underwater­ing might also be responsibl­e – if the plant is in a pot, water only when the compost is dry. Prune lightly to encourage fresh growth that will carry this year’s flowers.

Q Is it possible to grow trees and shrubs in pots of multi-purpose compost?

Alice Reeves

I prefer to grow long-term A container subjects in a 50/50 mixture of John Innes No.3 compost and multipurpo­se. This home-made blend has good drainage and contains long-lasting nutrients.

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