The People's Friend Special

Parsnip Latkes with Beetroot Horseradis­h Cream


Prep Time: 20 mins Cooking Time: Course: lunch or light main

500 g (1lb 2oz) parsnips, peeled and grated coarsely

1 red onion, grated coarsely

2½ tbs self-raising flour 2 eggs

Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste

Sunflower oil, for frying For the Beetroot Horseradis­h Cream:

5 tbs crème fraîche

1½ tbs horseradis­h sauce ½ lemon, juice only

100 g (3½ oz) raw beetroot, peeled and grated coarsely

To Serve: rocket leaves.

1 To make the beetroot horseradis­h cream, mix together all the ingredient­s and season to taste. Set aside.

2 Put the grated parsnips into a mixing bowl. Squeeze the grated

20 mins



onion in paper towels to remove any excess water, then add to the parsnips. Stir in the flour. Lightly beat the eggs and stir into the vegetable mixture, then season well.

3 Over a medium heat, heat enough oil to coat the base of a large frying-pan generously. Place a large spoonful (about 3 tablespoon­fuls) of the latke mixture into the pan and flatten with a spatula to a thin round, about 7.5 cm (3 in) in diameter. Cook 3 latkes at a time for 2 minutes on each side, or until crisp and golden on the outside and cooked through. Remove to drain on paper towels and keep warm in a low oven while you cook the rest of the mixture – it makes 12 latkes in total.

4 Divide the latkes between 4 serving plates, top each with a handful of rocket leaves and add a good spoonful of the beetroot horseradis­h cream.

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